Flower Momma

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  Y/n: P.O.V.

  Y/n: Calm down Blake, you're not gay.

  Blake: you're the one that made me question my sexuality.

  Y/n: do you think Yang is hot?

   Blake: ew no, she's a classless ho.

  Y/n: then I can tell you with the utmost certainly that you may like dick, not cooch.

  You and Blake left your meeting with Artemis, having discussed what you needed to.  Apparently she wanted to introduce you to Blake, not aware that you already knew her.  You were then directed towards your current objective, the fourth and final outpost Salem has here in Vale, headed by a good friend of hers.

  After a few minutes of awkward back alley walking you made it to your destination, a singular iron door, tall and imposing.  You knocked heavily on its glistened surface.

  ???: One second~~~!

The woman's voice was oddly cheerful.

  You could hear the sound of dozens of bolt locks coming undone, a few chains being dropped, and even a bit of angry banging, before the door finally opened.  In the door way was a short woman with short black hair, vibrant ivory skin, and piercing silver eyes.  A white cloak draped around her shoulders.  She looked at you surprised.


  Summer: Oh, you're my daughters boyfriend, I hope you've been treating her well.  Though I'm even more curious as to how you found me.

  Y/n: Salem sent me...

  Summers eyes suddenly turned murderous, and she grabbed your collar angrily.

  Summer: You better not get my daughter involved in this, do you understand me little boy?

  Y/n: relax, I would never put Rubes in harms way, but Ozpin on the otherhand, I'm not too certain.

  You raised your hands up, palms facing Summer in a submissive fashion.

  Summer sighed heavily.

  Summer: Do you love my daughter, and I mean truly love her.

  Y/n: Of course I love her, I'd happily die for her should the need arise.

  Blake: Wish I had a man like that...

  Blake gazed at you longingly.

  Summer: Good, I've never seen my Dear Daughter this happy before... ever, so I'm gonna trust you with her, even give you my blessing.  But you have to promise me something...

Y/n: Of course, anything for Ruby.

  Summer: Make me a lot of Grandbabies alright? Also, call me Mom.

  Summer let go of your collar, straightening it out, like a... well... mom.  You forgot what it was like to have a mom, a family... to be loved.

  Summer: Hun, are you alright, you're crying sweetie.

  Y/n: O-oh yeah, I just... I haven't had a family in... years now, I guess it just feels nice to have a mom again.

  Summer: awe, you poor thing, c'mere.

  Summer wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace.  It was a little awkward considering she only came up to just above your solar plexus, but you enjoyed it nonetheless.  You wrapped your arms around her, squeezing her gently.

  Y/n: Thank you...

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