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⤷Steve's P.O.V

   Dal made himself comfy on the couch, Johnny sat on the floor, and Ponyboy made his way upstairs. I guess you should know about Johnny, although we haven't talked much, or at all for that matter, I don't think he has said anything to anyone. If he did, we would all probably know.

     After catching the gang up about everything that happened at school, and about what I heard about the Shepard gang. We sat watching mickey mouse, and eating chocolate cake. A bit later Ponyboy snuck downstairs, which let me know that Sodapop was alone. As surely as I could, I got up and walked up the stairs to Sodas room. But if I could turn the clock back and make this decision over again, I would.

     I didn't bother knocking, kinda figured we're way past that. Sodapop was lying on his bed, his arms and legs crossed. When he saw me, he brought himself onto his elbows. I closed the door.

     "Can we talk please?" I was kinda nervous, but I had some stuff I needed to say.

     "Yes, please sit." Soda moved his legs so he was sitting kriss kross, and I sat at the end of the bed.

     "I've been doin a lotta thinking since I saw Sandy asking you to get back together with her, and I just thought you should know that I think that you should."

     "What? Why?"

     "Well Soda, before when you to were together she made you so happy. And ever since she left you have been nothing but miserable."

    "Steve, ever since she had left, i've been free. Things I would never get to do when I was with her, i've done, and I forgot what it felt like. Yes I was heartbroken that she left, and didn't respond to my letters, but I eventually didn't miss her. Other things took up my thoughts." he said with a warm smile.

     "I love you." Woah, did I just say that? Out loud? Oh god.

     Silence took over the room.

     "Steve I-"

     "Nevermind, I didn't mean to say that, I-I was caught up i-in the m-moment." I stuttered, walking out the door and down the stairs. So much started rushing into my head and I wasn't thinking straight.

     "Wait! STEVE!" Soda yelled at me, getting the gangs full attention.

     "No Soda, just screw off." I didn't bother with a jacket, I just walked out of that house, I needed air.

     "Don't tell me to screw off, you can't just say something like that then storm off," He followed me out into the rain, I stopped at the fence, facing away from him. And he stood three feet away from me. "Jesus Steve, you're being such an asshole!"

     Immediately I turned to look at him, my temper was getting worse.

     "I'm the asshole? Sodapop, look at yourself," Then the gang came out onto the front porch to watch the show "I mean Sandy comes back, after everything she did, and you practically jump into her arms!"

     "Jump into her arm? What the fuck? She jumped into mine, begging me to get back together with her."

     "Oh please!" I said getting closer to him, "I need to think about it" you pretty much wanted to fuck her and I bet would want me to watch right? rub it right in my face!"

     "THAT'S SO FUCKING SCREWED UP! But you're right, I did want her back, because I missed her so much, but everything with you! I just couldn't-no I could never do that."

     I just stared at him for a few seconds, he made me so angry, but so happy, and so fucking confused all the time! Ugh Sodapop, stop! I couldn't stay around to argue with him any longer, I needed a drink.

     "I can't do this with you right now." I said then turned my back to walked away, but Soda wasn't having that. I suppose I regret what I did next, when Sodas hand came to grab my left arm and I had brought my right one up and punched him.

     I immediately realized what I did. He toppled over a bit with just a look of shock across his face, that was very wet from the rain.

     "Soda I'm so sor-"

     "Dick." Soda said under his breath, holding his left cheek, where a red mark had started to grow.


     "Hey guys, just come on inside." Darry was yellin at us.

     That's when his right arm and did the same to my left cheek, but instead of once it was over and over again. He was right, I am an asshole. But I wasn't gonna just lie there and take a beating.

     "You guys just come on!" This time it was Johnny.

     We wrestled on the ground for a minute before I made my way onto his lap, and punched him the same way he did me, over and over and over again. Until things started to get blurry. I fell to the ground next to him, all my blood tears and sweat was washed off in the rain.

     The gang was yelling at us, but I couldn't hear it anymore.

     I looked over to see them all just standing there watching. Fights like this has happened in our gang before. One time, Dally got pissed at Two for scarring away this hot chick he was gonna bang. Dallas beat him senseless, oh and Johnny punched Pony one time because he said something about him being weak.

     I turned to see Soda, lying there, groaning and bleeding. God he looked hot in the rain. The cold from the rain was relaxing, I almost enjoyed it, probably would have more if my face wasn't pounding. I looked at up the sky and closed my eyes. Maybe a minute later, I felt a hand grab my shoulder. Looking up, Johnny was crouched on the ground, just him. The rest of the gang took Soda in to clean him off.

     "Come on man, let's go inside to get you dried and cleaned." He put his hand out and I grabbed it, I got up from the ground. I nearly toppled over, my head was just spinning all over.

     Johnny let me lean on him a bit, but I knew I couldn't go back in there after what just happened. I knew I needed to lay down, in a warm space. But I don't even think I could look Sodapop in the eyes after this.

     "Johnny, I can't go back in there man. I'll head home."

     I knew Johnny was protesting, but I could barley hear. I just walked home, and didn't look back.


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