T . W . O

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♫and it takes control♫

♫of the person that I thought I was♫


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                                                                                                      Steve's P.O.V 

     Two-bit drove me and Soda to work, then took off to go do whatever Two-bit does. It was a simple day, one just like the others. I worked in the garage on broken cars while blasting rock music and Soda worked at the register, the only thing between us was a thin push door. Working on cars gives me time to think, and lately I've had lots to think about.

     Soda has been acting weird, and I think it has something to do with Sandy leaving. She left 2 months ago and ever since then Soda had been a wreck. I tried my best to get him up and make him happy ol' Sodapop again but nothing really seemed to work. While my thoughts were wandering I didn't even see soda walk right in. I only turned my head when the music was turned off.

     "Steve it's break time wanna go grab something for lunch?"

     "Nah I'm good." I turned back to working and asked "Could you turn the music back on?"

     "Do you want me to grab you something?"

     "Yea sure."

     The music began blasting again and the sound of a door closing was all I needed to enter my thoughts again. More thoughts about soda. It's really strange, his girlfriend leaves and he all of sudden has so much time for me. When Sandy was around he never would have asked me to get lunch with him, let alone get me something.

     Don't get me wrong I enjoy spending time with him but I don't think it'll ever be the same, he'll never really be good ol' Sodapop again.



edited 2020-04-23

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