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⤷Steve's P.O.V

     "Well I've got to get home um my moms gonna be waitin." I pretty much ran out of there. I could hear Soda calling for me to come back but I didn't bother listening.

     I didn't want to go home, I had been avoiding it. Knowing my mom was there, drunk as could be. It reminded me of being little, cleaning up after her and watching everything break in front of me. Only difference is I'm not little anymore.

     Once again I was greeted by the same stench of vomit and alcohol while walking through the front doors of the house. Mom was nowhere in sight, so I started cleaning. I lost track of time because when I finally went to bed it was 11 pm. But sleep was the last thing on my bodies mind, Soda was. I know shocker right? I just spent the night praying that he wouldn't take Sandy back. But then I thought about how miserable he was without her, if she makes him HIM again, then I may just hope he says yes.

     The next day I woke up to go to school and then home. Two-bit called saying he would drive me but I would need to meet him at the curtis house, I didn't really want to face Soda. But I also didn't want to walk in the rain. Apparently a storm was rolling through, it should only last a day or two.

     "Hey Steve where've you been bud?" Dallas' booming voice echoed through the house, alerting everyone I was there. Including Soda. I guess over all the time I've spent with Soda, the gang just fell into the background. It felt good to see them again.

     "Hey guys, where is Two at?" As much as I wanted to spend time with the gang, school was gonna be my distraction, so I had to get to it.

     "Right here, come on." While Two grabbed his leather jacket from behind Dally, I took notice the Johnny wasn't there, neither was Ponyboy. So they were probably just walking to school.

     The ride with Two-bit was quiet. I liked it. But the storm had some of the roads blocked up so we were stuck in a bit of traffic. The silence almost became painful.

     "Are you ok?" Two-bits rough accent broke that painful silence, but the question made the pain seem enjoyable.

     "Yea man, I'm fine." I stated keeping my head straight.

     "Alright, you've just seemed a little off lately. You and Soda, you guys are good too right?"

     "Yea we're good."

     Two-bit dropped me next to one of the doors in the back of the school so i wouldn't have to walk in the rain. School was very boring, and as much as I tried, I couldn't get Sodapop Curtis out of my head. I had caught up on some of the greaser-soc gossip. Who beat up who, who would fight who, who was going with who. I even caught word that the shepard gang might have a rumble with some socs and they need some people to fight.

     The dreaded moment came when school was over and I had to go home or hang out with the gang. With this weather it would be best to be indoors, and the gang would all be at the Curtis house, or I could go keep my drunk mother company. Johnny and Ponyboy met me after school and we all caught a ride with Dal. The drive gave me some time to think. I wanted to talk to Soda, he needed to hear what I had to say about Sandy coming back. 


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