Time together

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Pain was all Seokjin could feel. No matter how much he screamed, begged or cried, nothing worked out, nothing stopped the man whose name is apparently Eun from whipping him with his belt once and twice until he couldn't count anymore, until his paralyzed body gave out along with his mind. Relieving him from the torture which marred the skin on his back and arms with welts and bruises to remind him of this event whenever he moved.

It was unreal how brutal Eun was, how angry he was, how his lips twitched upwards when Seokjin collapsed, giving him the signal to finally stop and please his eyes with what he considered art.

"That's lesson learned for you" He lowered his sleeves and placed the belt where it belonged "You only know how to beg. I guess that's what they taught you in the idol industry" He scoffed and without looking back at the unconscious body on the bed, he left the room.

Eun felt satisfied as he walked into the living room and slumped on the couch far from the table Gray and Red are sitting around, busy filling some papers and signing them, making new official contracts and deals.

Gray noticed Eun's presence and smiled to himself "So, Red, I didn't tell you what your princess did this time, did I?" Gray excitedly said as he tried to prevent himself from laughing and ignored Eun's calls for his name.

Only a hum left Red to show that he's listening as he continued doing his work.

"He decorated Eun's dick and the bed with vomit" Gray let the laugh he's been holding out and Eun face palmed while Red quirked an eyebrow and lifted his head to look between both of the men in disgust.

"And you punished him?"

The room and the whole apartment is soundproof so not a single scream left the walls to inform Red of what was happening.

Eun rolled his eyes "Yeah and before I Forget. Should I send him to Haneul's room for a while? You know to get the sheets washed or changed" He asked.

"Use the extra ones"

"We threw these. The last person ruined them, remember?" Gray busied himself with the papers in his hand.

"And you didn't buy new ones?"

Gray tried to keep his face natural "I kinda...forgot?" He smiled innocently.

Red sighed "You had one job" he clicked his tongue and continued "You're going to be responsible for cleaning that room and buying new bed sheets. Do it today and send Seokjin to Haneul's room. Eun will continue filling these papers with me" He declared.

"Why not let that Jin guy do it?!" Gray was annoyed. Usually the person who owned the room for the month would be the one to clean it.

"Consider this a punishment to learn doing your job properly"

The man didn't argue. He lazily got up from his seat and left the room.


The situation seemed to only get worse after what they've heard and but Si-hyuk couldn't bear to watch his boys break like this.

Before Namjoom could gather his courage to sit with the boys and talk to them about the matter, Si-hyuk was at their doorstep for a meeting at their house.

When they were all finally sitting down in the living room after being called or woken up, Si-hyuk looked at them all one by one.

"I know this is hard for you all as much as its hard for me and Seokjin's family" He began talking about what he came to discuss. The boys had an idea about the topic "Let's not let whoever did this manipulate us like this. We're all here and Seokjin will be back. We will pay the ransom even if the detective is against it for now. We will bring him back home as soon as we can but...we need time. He says we've got a month to prepare and it should be enough but it means you're going to need patience and to stay strong and together until everything is settled" Si-hyuk looked at the slightly red and tired eyes of the six young men in the room "It might take a month or less if we're fortune." He sighed and paused for a moment "But you know we can't keep going like this. We've got to discuss what you're going to do as a group until we have your hyung back"

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