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The sun was sitting in Seoul however, the snow outside had started to get heavier like the atmosphere in one specific apartment, hiding all the light behind the white clouds for no one to witness the beautiful sunset on that day.

Nine people were present including Sejin, Hobeom, Si-hyuk and lastly the six young boys who were extremely troubled and anxious. The tears have long dried but the feelings lasted.

Their fault or not, everyone was scolded. Not too harshly but not too nicely, just like when your father scolds you with eyes full of emotions that allows you to know that what happened while he wasn't around was wrong but he doesn't want you to be scared of him cause he's saying this for your sake so instead of shouting, he speaks calmly.

Seokjin was out for hours and nothing could be done but search for him and hope that they'll be able to hear the sound of his voice or at least his breath soon. The words he said before leaving were not so reassuring.

Even if no one wanted to admit it, it was obvious that Seokjin is mentally unstable and that fact wasn't so good in this situation where he was alone and away from any eye that could watch over him and make sure that he is fine and safe.

The situation was depressing in this place and it wasn't so different from that one hotel room Seokjin was in but still kind of different somehow

Fear of being exposed was crawling down of the oldest's skin as he watched Lee Seungi with cuffs around his wrist in a video where the media, fans and citizens were gathered, almost blocking the way for the police to take the man who is accused for drug dealing, human trafficking and lastly rape. It was the information the media could get their hands on and expose to the world.

Seokjin knew that the silent man who rode the police car knew that he was the reason of what's happening to him, it was as obvious as daylight since it's yet to be a month after his rescue but the man said nothing about the idol Jin the whole world knows of or anything at all, he kept his mouth shut.

"Fans are enraged and disappointed after finding out what the actor Lee Seungi was part of and the topic is currently trending number one on twitter and many other platforms. Some fans can not believe the news and are defending Lee, saying that it was a false accusation ment to bring him down but others no longer call themselves a fan and are trying to find more truth about the case. On another topic, one person on Naver posted a video that is a week or two old about a what they guessed to be the capture of criminals who broke into a building, the video was taken down a few hours after it was posted. It showed a lot of armed police men entering the building and it stops there when a police man asks the person to get out of the area and to stop recording. The police are yet to release any statement about the video or what was really happening so late at night where most of us were preparing to sleep or already are. You'll be the first to know if we find out more about that night but now, let's move on onto the unfortunate injury of the popular football player-"

As Seokjin closed his eyes, a deep sigh of relief left his lips as he slipped down from his sitting position against the headboard behind him. He placed his hand on his racing heart and gulped down the lump in his throat as he opened his eyes again.

Seeing the face of person who still raped him despite being a friend he admired or thinking that they were actually friends scared him. The memories of that day flashed vividly in Seokjin mind but he kept on listening to what the report was saying and expecting his name to come but it didn't however, he was yet to feel relief as the next topic had his lips going dry, only he and a few people would be able to know what was exactly happening on that night the woman was curious about.

If there was any witnesses of him, then surely this topic wouldn't have taken this long to reach the media but now, Seokjin was sure that the police did an excellent work in making sure to keep everything away from the public eye.

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