Yet To Cope

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The chocolate like eyes opened wide, his body was covered in sweat and felt heavy. Seokjin adjusted his blurry vision to the now familiar room. He didn't remember falling asleep or getting out of the bathroom, his last memories were the feeling of emptiness which still lingered in his heart even now. His throat and chest were tight, slightly suffocating him.

Awake or not, Seokjin suffered anyway. Neither his body and nor his mind were rested. After his body couldn't keep up with the sadness controlling him, he had dreamt of escaping this place and meeting with his loved ones again, he was happy and the smiles he saw melted his heart only for it to bleed when everything vanished and he was alone again, turning around, Seokjin saw his friends but his heart didn't recover, everyone was looking down at him with disgust and disappointment, saying enough words with their faces to stab the singer and finish him off, bringing him back to the real world.

Seokjin felt heavy as if he turned into a huge rock but it wasn't long before he noticed that this wasn't the case. He would have jumped away from the bed if it wasn't for his drained body. Midori groaned as Seokjin pushed himself away in a haste, pulling at the blanket which covered his still very naked body from under the man who slept on it.

"Come back" Midori sighed and grabbed Seokjin, pulling him to his chest and wrapping his arms around him like a pillow. Seokjin didn't have enough strength to push himself away from the man but he still tried, hoping that Midori would let him go but that felt unlikely to happen soon.

"L-let me go" He could feel his face heat up as his dry throat close up. He was not ready to be this close with any of these people and what Midori considered cuddling felt more like torture, burning Seokjin's skin as his hand held Seokjin by his waist, and shoulders, keeping him in place and suffocating him as he did so.

Midori opened his eyes and raised his head a bit when he heard a hiccup leave the singer, followed by another one that his body slightly shook with.

"Please" His voice was small. Seokjin could feel panic seeping into his bones slowly but he tried to control it, telling himself that nothing bad was going to happen.

It was Midori's turn to push Seokjin away from him, pulling himself up on his feet and sighing in annoyance.

"Enough with all the crying, I don't want to hear it. Not everyone wants a piece of your ass in this house" He groaned as he ran his hand through his messy hair, fixing it a bit before glancing at Seokjin who now covered his whole body with the clean blanket, only his head out for him to breath. He looked at Midori through his glossy eyes and recognized this man to be the nicest out of all of the people he met here and no he wasn't thinking of getting comfortable around him but how Midori took care of his injuries and did many things for him to ease his added pain, it felt different. It might not have been done genuinely but knowing that Midori wasn't going to harm him, Seokjin found himself calming down.

"Wear this" Midori gestured towards the folded clothes on the nightstand, it was as if Midori was assigned to take care of him which wasn't so false but Seokjin didn't need to remind himself that this man wasn't that much better, he still kidnapped people and perhaps also dirtied his hands by raping or killing them even though he looked harmless.

Midori stretched his not numb hand and neck before taking a look at his wrist watch. He sighed in tiredness. "You're a really hard pillow" He rubbed his eyes as he made his way out of the room.

When the door clicked, Seokjin reached for the clothes and dressed himself with slow hands, his body and the blanket under him was dry and his back was fully cleaned of what covered it before so he guessed that someone must have took care of him in his sleep.

Seokjin noticed how the clothes were not similar to what he wore before, they were black pajamas that covered his whole body, so soft and granting Seokjin with the comfort of covering himself.

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