Not Ready

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It was after almost ten minutes that the door of the Sin room opened again after Sejin had made some things clear to Seokjin.

Everyone waited in the living room, Jungkook had told them about everything and the reactions were a mix of relief and fear for Seokjin's safety.

While Sejin spoke to the other boys, Seokjin kept his eyes cast down and his hands in his pockets "From now on, try to treat Seokjin more normally, like before. He's an adult and can take care of himself so go back to treating each other the same way you used to do. He will continue his therapy sessions and will continue to take his medicine and in a few weeks will start to practice with you again. He's been staying at a hotel so after this I'll go pay for his stay there. I know that you've been worried but as you can see Jin-ah is fine and will come to any of us if he needs anything. Something else we spoke about was moving out, you've been informed that this can be done any time you're ready and I think that would help in opening a new page for all of you. If no one is against the idea then we can start working on moving out tomorrow to get things done by next week, any objections?" Despite the head shakes as a no, everyone actually had an objection. It was the same one, they didn't want Seokjin to have his own room, it wasn't that they didn't trust him to take care of himself but it was that they feared that he could break down again and do something foolish away from any caring eye that could make sure that nothing happens.

Sejin turned his attention to Seokjin "In two hours I'll be back to get your stitches checked and at the hospital, take a shower and rest in the meantime, alright?" Now it was Seokjin's turn to nod, making Sejin feel a little awkward to be the only one speaking in the silence.

"Take care of each other" was the last thing the manager said before heading out to the company. Si-hyuk and many other people needed to be informed about everything that's happened today, what he spoke with Seokjin about and what they agreed on.

The talk with Seokjin made Sejin realize that the boy was feeling distant, mistreated and alone as though he had no one to seek help from or couldn't lean on anyone's shoulder even though that wasn't true but he figured out that the constant care was what disturbed him, Seokjin had said that he doesn't feel comfortable around the others like before because he doesn't feel like he belongs with them anymore but still wants to be close. It was obvious that Seokjin was confused and lost so Sejin hoped that everyone would be able to become his lead and light when he's feeling down and be able to bring him back up.

It was still silent even after Sejin left, the atmosphere around the seven young men was awkward however it didn't stay like that for long. Namjoon was the one to approach Seokjin first, he patted his shoulder and looked directly at his eyes with his usual soft smile "I'm glad you're back Hyung" He said the words sincerely and flashed a wide smile as though nothing happened a few days ago.

After seeing Namjoon's act, the others wasted no time in surrounding Seokjin, telling him how happy they are to see that he's back and safe, it wasn't really awkward for Seokjin, it didn't make him feel uncomfortable because he too was actually happy to be back with them but it still felt like he wasn't fully back or as though he wasn't sure if he should even be back after screaming at them and leaving with the words of quitting Jin. How could they still smile like this instead of questioning him about what happened and his words of that day? Were they alright with knowing that he was a prostitute? Didn't it matter to them? or did they just accepted the truth before he himself could do that? Something wasn't right.

"Guys..." Seokjin rubbed his hands together. He averted his eyes and kept them on the floor "I..." He wanted to apologize, wanted to sit down and speak with them, to calmly tell them everything and know if he could really trust them again, if he made the right choice and see with his eyes if their previous words had a real meaning to them or not. Exposing everything now was better than later, he would find the answer to everything and know what to do before he gets attached again cause he knows he will and if the reaction is negative at that time then it would be hard to leave. Now was the right time, he could decide without having his emotions stand in the way.

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