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"N-no" Hanuel lowered her arms and looked at Red with shaking eyes as she realized what will happen in this game and what the purpose of it is.

"The game hasn't even started." Red wanted to laugh at how Hanuel was trembling unlike how Seokjin was just frozen in his seat after having the gun pointed at him. "I'm not done explaining the rules." He sighed. "I think you already know where this is going but allow me to make it clear that there will be six rounds or less. Hani will start and if the princess is lucky, he will get a turn too and this will continue till the bullet gets out, declaring the winner whom I'll grant one simple wish for." Seokjin eyed Red, not looking at his eyes at all but keeping them on the figure which moved closer to stand behind him, placing his hands on Seokjin's shoulders as if massaging his tensing body. The young man no longer dared to look at Red's eyes after what happened to him, his presence gained extra points to be more intimidating as if he was with a monster in the room.

"Try to do anything dangerous and you won't be the one to die today, your loved ones are in the game too." Red knew how to play his cards, whenever he needed a person to obey, he would threaten them with the dearest thing to them. Family is something that can't be replaced, it is what used to keep these two souls going until some point but accepting their fate didn't mean that they didn't care about other people's fate. Neither Seokjin and nor Hanuel wanted to involve anyone in this even though Hanuel was never loved by her family like she loved them.

"Let me explain this more easily for you." Kuro approached Red. "Hani will hold the gun, aim at this boy over here and pull the trigger, if he dies then she wins but if not then he will get a turn to hold the gun and do the same. This will continue until one of you two gets shot, in the neck, the eye, the chest or the head. It doesn't matter because at the end, only one of you two will live so we'll give you a minute to prepare yourself and say whatever dramatic goodbyes to the other before we start." As much as Kuro enjoyed building fear and anxiety, he never enjoyed the slow way Red sometimes did it. He explained everything and didn't know that he would enjoy watching how frozen these two went as he spoke, this was entertaining.

It wasn't hard for Seokjin or Hanuel to understand how this will go but it was hard to understand that they will be the ones to play it. How can people actually be this twisted and sadistic? This was beyond evil. How could they smile like this? How? Why would they even do this?

Seokjin had many questions running around in his mind, many thoughts and a lot of fears. He feared to be killed but also feared to kill. Though between these two fears, there was a superior one.

The person who used to be a singer had dirtied himself with many things but if asked to choose between killing or having to continue living this life in hell, Seokjin would choose the later. Dirtying his hand with blood by taking someone's life was the last thing he would want to do. This is a life, a soul, a human. How could he kill a human? What right did he have?  Some things never change and deep down, Seokjin was somehow still the kind and innocent soul he is.

"I don't want to play this." Seokjin raised his head at the voice. "Just kill me, my life doesn't matter, take it without this game." She was speaking to Red, her voice wasn't so confident, it had a slight tremble to it, exposing how afraid she was.

"No." All eyes were now on Seokjin "K-kill me instead, she doesn't deserve this." The thought of death had crossed Seokjin's mind many times before. It was a thought that played in his mind like music when he was in pain, rolling over on the bed as he cried himself to sleep. The words he said weren't just because he thought that Haneul doesn't deserve to die like this, it was also because he was selfish, he wanted to become free, to end his suffering.

"No! You live. We're not gonna argue about that." Hanuel looked at Seokjin with sharp eyes, slightly raising her voice.

A laugh echoed in the room. "You two really think I'll allow this? You don't have a say in this. The game will continue and nothing will be changed. If that's what you wanted to spend your minute talking about then we shall now enjoy watching you play, it's about time."

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