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It was dark, pitch black.

Fear, Seokjin felt fear as he ran in the dark, he was afraid of something, someone.

Who was he afraid of?

The increasing fear pushed Seokjin to run faster into the unknown, he ran and ran and never stopped until he decided to look behind at who he could feel is following but at that moment a hand blocked his view before the ground disappeared for him to fall down on the floor in front of a very familiar door and in a place he's been in before.

A kick was landed to his stomach, his face and all of his body.

He kept on getting hit again and again. Efforts of trying to protect his body which was being abused were fruitless, he couldn't do a thing, nothing but cry and scream for the help he knew wouldn't come.

When it was all over, Seokjin opened his eyes to be meet with another pair of bloody ones staring right back at his terrified soul, he gasped in fear and back away with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry" Was what the girl in front of him said before a gun was aimed at his forehead, allowing a bullet to come out.

Seokjin closed his eyes, awaiting the pain or anything but nothing came and so he slowly opened them again to find out that he's back at that dark place but this time, he was surrounded by his friends and family, they were his light in the darkness.

Seokjin looked at them, he extended his hand, reaching for one of them to take it and help him stand back on his feet but instead of taking it, one of them kneeled down. He had a smile on his face as he placed a hand on Seokjin's hair, patting it reassuringly.

"It's alright hyung, you're fine."

Seokjin looked at Jungkook's bright, brown and beautiful eyes that stared right back at him.

"You're fine."

Seokjin felt it, something was wrong. His voice.

"You're fine..."

This isn't Jungkook's voice.

"You're fine but..." Jungkook wasn't looking at Seokjin anymore, he was looking behind him. At the darkness?

Seokjin turned his face to what his brother's eyes were looking at to see her again "But I'm not" She was there again, standing and staring back at him with the same dead eyes.

A gun shot was heard, once, twice and the bullets continued to sink into Seokjin's skin from all sides until it stopped for the sound of murmuring to be heard. Seokjin couldn't understand anything, his head felt like it was going to explode, his body was in pain.

Seokjin heard it.

"A disgrace"


"You don't belong anywhere"


"You should die!


"You deserve the pain!"

"Filthy! Disgusting!"

Each word was a stab straight to Seokjin's already bleeding heart. He didn't want to be any of these things, he was forced to embrace that cruel kind of world and hated himself for it.

No one was around Seokjin anymore, just him and his reflection, his other self, the one who killed.

With another bullet to his head, Seokjin woke up only to once again be in the room he got used to be in and on the bed he hated sleeping on. His dead self was on the floor, staring at him the same way Hanuel did along with the one who had his hands stained with blood.

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