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"Please don't cry. There was nothing Rose could have done" Joshua, the hotel worker didn't know what to do to help.

"Yes there was! I mean the door was big enough for two but she just wanted more space for her selfish ass!" Seokjin hiccuped "Jack didn't have to die" Even though Titanic was a movie Seokjin watched a lot of times before, he still managed to get sad at Jack's death in this state even though he would be the one who usually makes fun of that scene whenever they put it on the television.

Seokjin rubbed at his left eye as he placed some fries in his mouth. The food got cold long ago, the plates were almost empty but Seokjin was yet to sober up. He shared the food with Joshua who was more than happy about that. They spoke mostly about how Seokjin comes up with his dad jokes, how good the food was and about everything that happened in the movie even though they only started watching from the middle of it.

Joshua never asked about the bandage on Seokjin's forehead, it wasn't really his business and he didn't forget the news he heard about this idol nor long ago.

The most active thing they did was Joshua trying to stop Seokjin from ordering more wine. They didn't speak about any really interesting topics or anything life related. Just enjoying their time with small talks that were good enough to not make the atmosphere weird but that could never actually happen since Joshua was happy and excited almost all the time because everything Seokjin did, even if it was just staring at the food or eating it kept his energy battery full since the idol's presence itself was the charger.

"I'll go get you some medicine to help you sober up in the morning, alright?" Joshua stood up. Seokjin looked like he was starting to get pale and sleepy or more out of it but he jumped up on his feet the moment Joshua did.

"Where are you going? Are you leaving me?" He slurred his words and gave a little innocent pout that didn't look so innocent with that reddish face and the exposed thighs Joshua forgot about. He scratched the back of his neck and averted his gaze "N-no...I'll be right back I swear, I just want to get you something" He smiled "Just sit down and wait for me here, alright?" Seokjin moved his head slowly to follow Jousha's movements until he was out of the room.

The drunk young man sat back on the chair with a huff and quivering lips "He'll be back" He told himself and went back to eating the leftover food. Distracting himself from the fact of being the only person in the room.

Seokjin's eyes were already dropping before Jousha had even left and by the time the other was back, he was already out of any kind of consciousness with his arms under his head.


"Any news?"

"Nothing yet Namjoon-ah" Hobeom sighed from the other line the same way Namjoon did at hearing that. Even with just a sigh, you would be able to feel the deep stress in it. No one needed to ask to know what Hobeom just told their leader.

Search teams were out. They went as far as sending one team to make sure that there was no body in the water of the han river or any other place known for suicide attempts. They stayed updated on the news and social media, kept their eyes on everything and even informed Seokjin's doctor and detective but still, there was no trace of the missing part of BTS.

Yoongi huffed. Why was it so hard to just find a single person who stands out in everything? "What should we do?" He asked no one in particular as he brushed back his hair before resting his face in his hands.

"Find him. We should find him...I won't just sit back and watch. If they don't do their work well, then I'll be the one to do it"

Yoongi rested his hands on the empty dinning table and looked at the maknae "Yeah? And how would you do that?"

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