. P R O L O G U E .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

. P R O L O G U E .

Slamming her phone on the coffee table Nancy comes to the epiphany that husband is an asshole. She has decided that after hours of contemplation after finding his texts to his ‘co-worker’ that he’s just no good for her anymore. Locking the door behind her she nods herself happy with the decision to cut him out of her life. He never respected her and her choices and since she’s gained a few pounds lately he’s been less interested in her sexually.

Well this fat ass isn’t going to be his to miss anymore, she thinks with a self-satisfied smile on her face.

God! Why hadn’t she done this earlier?

Thinking back on the phone conversation she just had with him she knows this isn’t the end of it, not yet. He kept begging her to listen to his excuses, to listen to his lies but she’s done with it and with him. It’s only a matter of time before he comes banging on her door asking for forgiveness but he won’t be getting a hint of anything close to weakness from her.

No way!

Sure enough, half way through the newest episode of The Bachelor Nancy hears pounding on her door. Rolling her eyes she takes a drink from her wine glass before turning the volume up on her TV. The pounding becomes more frantic and quite annoying. Now scowling she stands up from the couch and yells at the door.

“Go away Jim! I’m not in the mood for this bullshit!”

The pounding doesn’t stop.

Sick of the sound and a tipsy enough to have the nerve to confront her cheating husband, Nancy stumbles to the front door ready for war. Unlocking the front door she yanks the door open ready to let him have it but stops short when she takes in the scene before her. Jim is nowhere in sight but a bloodied woman clutching her neck as red liquid stains her yellow uniform is.

“Oh my god!” Nancy gasps and runs into the apartment without a second thought to her cellphone ready to call the police.

As she rattles off the address to the 911 operator on the other end Nancy hears a thump and turns to see the woman has passed out in her doorway. Dropping to her knees beside the woman Nancy lets tears run down her face as she tells the woman on the other end what’s happening and to hurry. Nancy tries to calm the wheezing woman on her floor by brushing her blood dripping hair from her face.

“They’re coming, honey.” Nancy sobs as she presses a wash cloth to the wound on the woman’s neck, “J-Just hold on and it’ll be okay.”

“V-Vam…” The woman struggles to get out, her lips white from all the blood loss.

Nancy shakes her head a shushes her, “It’ll be okay, Honey. Just try to stay conscious.”

The woman shakes her head, “L-Listen, v-vamp…vamp…”

Nancy jumps a little when she hears the sirens draw closer to her but when she looks down at the woman she sees her eyes are closing. Frantic at the idea this woman may die on her living room carpet while she did nothing, Nancy slaps her face a little making the woman moan in pain before opening her eyes. Sighing Nancy looks up to see a man in an EMT uniform come rushing in with a blank look on his face.

Kneeling beside the two he is quickly joined by another EMT worker, this one female but Nancy can’t seem to remove herself. The male EMT forcibly removes Nancy’s shaking blood soaked hand from the dishtowel she has pressed to the wound with understanding patience. As Nancy’s hand is placed in her lap and the woman is placed on a gurney she dissolves into a mess of sobs and shaking limbs.

“You did all you could, mam.” An officer she didn’t even notice enter assures her but she just can’t stop crying.


Nancy sighs in relief at the sound of her husband’s voice, a total one-eighty from an hour before but she’s seeking comfort too much to think about that. Jim runs in looking disheveled before his hazel eyes widen at the sight of his blood covered wife. Without second thought he envelops her in his arms while also searching her for injury cursing himself for even getting into an emotional affair when its clear he still very much loves his wife.

“J-Jim.” His wife sobs into his neck, “S-She—“

“Shh.” He coos rubbing her back and holding her close, “It’s okay, baby. I got you.”

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the ambulance Kyle, the male EMT pumps the oxygen mask while his co-worker, Jennifer works on the young woman’s wound. He’s not surprised to see the woman barely conscious from the amount of blood she’s lost. Jennifer’s gasp gets his attention and his own gasp quickly follows as she removes the dishtowel the woman who found her had been using.

A bite mark, human from the size it is visible over the pulse in the woman’s neck. Two puncture marks are deeper than any other and are the major cause for concern since that seems to be where most of the blood is spilling from. Kyle’s mind goes straight for the impossible and from the look on Jennifer’s face he knows she’s thinking the same but that simply can’t be true.

Vampires don’t exist.

Shaking his head he focuses his over imaginative brain on the task at hand. Pumping the oxygen into the woman’s mask he looks over her for any more injuries on his side of the woman. Instead he sees a gold rectangular nametag over her breast telling him her name.


The woman moans painfully when Jennifer pokes at the wound and Kyle steps in to calm her down. “It’s okay, Iris. You’re going to be okay.”

Jennifer gives him an odd look but keeps working on the woman.

“It’ll be okay.” Kyle murmurs again.

He can only hope he’s right.


First taste of Deadly Affections! We like so far? This story will have nothing to do with anyone I just introduces in this but Iris. She's the girl you should be watching. It'll all be in the third person because its just way funner {is that a word?} to write in!



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