. F O U R T E E N .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"#1 Crush" By Garbage

*Very Mild Sexual Content.

. F O U R T E E N .

He watches the children from a distance, always a distance. He doesn’t want her to know about them, he knows what she will do if she finds out. Climbing up to the terrace he watches the woman with the golden hair tuck in the children in their beds. He comes here every night to watch the ritual that seems so far away from his reality now.

All his nighttime hours are filled with blood and violence now. But this, this is his last bit of humanity he’s been able to keep. Watching the woman who reminds him of his Elizabeth he can remember what it was like to be human. The woman kisses both her daughter’s forehead and then the forehead of her son. The gesture causes his heart to pinch at the sight of it.

Averting his gaze from it, trying to make the pain fade he only lifts his eyes again once the woman leaves the room. Quietly, like he always is, he opens the terrace’s glass doors that lead to the children’s bedrooms. He approaches their beds silently and looks over their sleeping faces with an ancient grief and deep longing.

He remembers the faces of his own children, now dead thirteen years. Fiona was his eldest child and his only girl. She had a face full of freckles, fierce blue eyes like her mother and a head full of thick curly red hair. She was stubborn and the apple of his eye since he saw so much of himself in her. He remembers hearing her screaming for him but not being able to get to her.

He remembers the face of his son, Charles. His hair as golden as his mother’s own. His son had his gray eyes said to be like steel. His son was a serious child, not prone to the mischief of his sister. No, Charles was a boy who was destined to run the family’s plantation and all the businesses the family had. He was his father’s pride.

“Clinging to thoughts of the dead is pathetic of you chère.”

He turns around to the source of the voice to see her standing in the same entrance he had come through. Her angular ebony skinned face is pinched in anger as she comes towards him. Her red eyes narrow on his face before moving over to the location of the children making him stiffen. He can see the action before she does it and grabs her arm in a punishing hold.

“You will not touch them.” He warns her lowly.

She smiles at him looking highly amused, “You think you can control me, chère?”

He lets go of her as a searing pain spears through his heart making him fall to his knees. He clutches his chest he fights for air. Her hand caresses the line of his jaw making him look up at her. Her ruby red eyes seem to glow in the limited light of the room and make the pain intensify in his chest. It feels as though she has a grip on his heart in her claw like hands.

“You are a fly I could squish with my shoe if I wanted.” She whispers lowly to him. “Be sure to remember that the next time you think to touch me like that again. You belong to me.”

Gasping harshly he nods his head. The pain in his heart releases suddenly making him collapse to the floor. He drags in as much precious air as his body allows him while trying to get some sort of semblance of control over himself. That is when he hears the first high-pitched scream sound in the night.

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