. F I F T E E N .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Pet" By A Perfect Circle

*Sexual Content

. F I F T E E N .

Iris has never been an out and about kind of girl. She was always the girl who stayed inside, read books and hung out with her mom watching Gilmore Girls instead of partying. When she entered into college this was even more true. Ava had tried many times to get her to go clubbing or just leave her apartment. In the end Iris just either faked being sick or saying she had to work at the restaurant.

Now as she stands in the flashing lights of the club and the swaying bodies of the masses she wished she had gone out with Ava. It would have at least given her some idea about what the hell to do at one of these things. When she had gone with Abel he just swept her onto the dance floor before the night took an odd and downward spiral.

“Relax.” Xavier whispers in her ear. “Your never going to find prey if you keep acting like some kind of prudish wallflower.”

“I don’t know what to do.” She hisses at him. “I don’t think I can do this.”

He throws back the rest of his whiskey before looking down at her, “To be honest I don’t want you doing this either but I can’t keep having you biting me. I have to keep my strength and feeding for two isn’t something I was genetically built for.”

Lifting her brow at him she shakes her head, “You are such an idiot.”

“Just imagine its me your hitting on instead of some half brain dead frat guy. Use your imagination, Iris; I don’t care but your going to have to learn to hunt. Though the word is full of horrible people there not always around when you need a bite to eat.”

“I’m not a monster.”

Sighing Xavier throws an arm over her shoulder, “I know that you aren’t and I don’t want to make you one but survival is survival.”

“Who are you and what have you done to Xavier.” She asks while giving him a dubious look.

His grin is wolfish as he winks at her, “Maybe finally getting laid lightened my mood.”

Iris’s jaw drops open and she stutters for a response. Xavier in turn removes his arm, chuckling at her completely shocked face. Who talks about things like that in a public place? Her cheeks burn bright red and she looks down at the ground feeling a little bit ashamed of herself. She really shouldn’t have given in so easily but on the other hand what warm-blooded woman wouldn’t give in?

Not many.

“Hey.” He says softly grabbing her chin and lifting her head so she has to look at him. “Hey, its not a big deal.”

“Not to you.” She mumbles.

“No it is a big deal to me but it shouldn’t be to you. I’m honored you let me take your…innocents but this shouldn’t be something you get all red faced over. You enjoyed yourself didn’t you?”

His question has Iris fighting the urge to giggle stupidly or run for the nearest exit. Iris’s mom had never been one to talk about such matters with her. Her mom’s boyfriend, Robert had attempted it once but that whole debacle ended up in him just giving her some stuttering vague descriptions. To get them both out of the conversation she told him she’d just look it up and he walked away thankful and red necked.

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