. O N E .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Swamped" By Lacuna Coil

. O N E .

Iris wakes up to the sound of beeping echoing in her ears. She slowly pries open her eyes but everything is blurry. Nothing makes sense except the pounding in her brain and the sharp pain she feels in her neck. Trying to soothe pain in her brain she lifts her arm but it doesn’t make it far.

Frowning she looks down at the limb in confusion only to find it restrained to the bed. Moving her gaze to her other arm she finds that one to be tied down as well with a padded cuff. Despite the sight she tries to pull at it but to no avail. Why would anyone do this to her, she thinks through the fog in her brain. Looking about the room she recognizes it as a hospital room but that only seems to feed the confusion building in her.

Why is she in a hospital?

Thinking back she tries to piece the night together.

She was walking home after her late night shift at the diner she works at she was on her way home. It wasn’t unusual for her to do that, she did it almost every night. She was thinking about…what was she thinking? Oh! She was thinking about the paper she had to write for her British literature class because Mr. Feldman was not a professor who fucked around with deadlines. She had been walking home thinking of how she’s start her paper when something...no someone tackled her to the ground and then…Iris frowns; well it all gets a bit foggy after that.

Iris’s musings are cut off by a nurse bustling in with surprise at seeing her awake. The nurse herself is in purple scrub pants with a patterned matching shirt with long sandy blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and blunt bangs. The woman’s surprised blue eyes are wide before her glossy mouth is pulled up into a grin.

“Oh! I didn’t know you were up!” The nurse beams, “I’m Evelyn, your nurse. ”

Iris pulls at her arms and croaks, “Why?”

“Oh dear.” Evelyn mutters pursing her lips, “I told them to take those off you.”

Evelyn begins taking off the restraints and Iris sighs in relief when she’s able to move her hands again. She doesn’t know why but she’s always had a thing about being restrained. It was one of the reasons some of her relationships didn’t last, Iris just wasn’t much of a ‘cuddly’ person in any sense of the word.

“Why?” Iris asks again but it sounds more like a llama dying.

Evelyn gives her a pitying smile before going to get some water from the nearby pastel pitcher, “You kept scratching at your stitches in your sleep. We didn’t want to restrain you but you kept opening the wound again.”

“Oh.” She whispers, “I’m sorry.”

Evelyn waves her off as she hands her a paper cup of water. “Don’t worry about it dear. I’ve had stranger reasons to tie down a person.”

Iris nods absently before drinking the cool liquid. Her throat soothes a bit but the slight burn she’s had since waking up is still there, just less uncomfortable. Putting the empty cup in her lap with her shaky hands still wrapped around it she looks out the window. It must be early morning or raining, she figures from the gray sky that greets her.

“Iris, would it be okay if I checked your vitals?” Evelyn asks.

Iris frowns and rasps, “How did you know my name?”

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