. E I G H T E E N .

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© Amber Kalkes 2015


"Burn" By Nine Inch Nails

. E I G H T E E N .

The room itself is large, almost cathedral like in its construction. A large dome makes up the ceiling and the walls covered in rich carvings in what looks to be jet. Iris can’t really make out from this distance what they depict but she feels her fingers itch with the urge to find out. Seemingly sensing her urge Xavier pulls her closer against him and gets her attention back on the matter at hand.

The matter being the five vampires sitting before her staring at her like she’s the piece of shit at the bottom of they’re no doubt designer shoes. Call her a pessimist but she isn’t too sure this is going to be going in her favor. That feeling only gets worse when Xavier releases his hold on her and begins putting distance between them. Suddenly she feels like a grenade ready to blow and everyone is getting out of the line of fire.

“Brother Ambrose.” An intimidating woman calls. She’s definitely something straight out of a bad seventies Dracula film but no less beautiful. Black feathery evening gown, straight blonde hair and pale flawless skin make this woman the center of attention. Iris is guessing that’s just how the woman likes it though. “I see you’ve answered our summons.”

“Did I have much of a choice?” Xavier asks in a clipped tone.

 Iris can’t stop her eyes from widening and her jaw from dropping. Is he trying to get her killed by acting this way? Maybe. It wasn’t like his head was on the chopping block.

To her surprise though the Brigitte Bardot wannabe laughs. “I see time has not made you anymore chipper, my dear. Tell me does your new pet not suit?”

Iris can feel all five sets of eyes move to her and her blood begins to pump faster. Nervously she drops her head and starts pulling on the fabric of her gown. God, could they stop looking at her now? When a throat is cleared she figures that’s supposed to be getting her attention. So hesitantly she lifts her gaze to see all five of them looking at her curiously.

“Do you have a name?” An ebony skinned man asks, his honey colored eyes colder than the shade suggests.

“Her name is—“

“I wish to here her speak.” The man says cutting Xavier off.  Well shit. “Your name?”

“Iris.” She croaks out before clearing her throat. “Iris Wheeler.”

The sound of her own name seems to echo against the wall making wince. She really is not used to being the center of attention, especially in a tense situation like this one. The need to have the ground swallow her up is strong but not as strong as her urge to just run from the room. The unsettling eyes of the council just seem to have that affect on her.

“Well…Iris.” The blonde says. “Do tell us how you came to meet our Ambrose.”

Iris shifts her eyes to Xavier but he’s too busy glaring at the council to notice her frantic gaze. “Um…I was on my way home from work.”

When she doesn’t say anything else another woman speaks, this one with black bobbed hair and matching almond shaped black eyes. “Go on.”

“I…um…I was walking home through the park. I-It’s a shortcut and that was when he…bit me. I didn’t know what it was or what happened next but when I woke up I was in the hospital.”

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