. T W E L V E .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Into The Void" By Nine Inch Nails

*Sexual Content.

. T W E L V E .

Screams echo outside of his bedroom door but he cannot get out. He keeps trying to escape to the people outside, his family in particular but he cannot. Every time his hand touches the doorknob its sears his skin as it melts a bit to the handle causing great pain. After the sixth time of this happening he can no longer endure the pain and has given up on that way of getting out.

He tries to go to the window, maybe leap out and then back in to save them but his feet will not move. More screams come from outside the door as smoke begins bellowing in from under the doorway into his room. Despite himself he bangs on the door and screams in grief as the agonized screams of his family fade into the blaze set by reasons unknown to him.

“Come to me.” A voice commands like a whisper on the wind.

He lifts his head, red liquid tears falling down his face as he turns towards the sound. He feels an odd compulsion to follow the voice and to his own astonishment his feet move of their own accord towards it. The flames begin licking at the bedroom door and he feels the heat intensify behind him but he does not turn towards it. He cannot. Not with the siren’s song calling him.

Pushing open the window he looks down to see her standing below his window looking as tempting as the first day he laid eyes on her. She smiles up at him and beckons him with one crooked finger. His body is unable to disobey and he jumps down from the window and from a fiery death to the ground below.

“Oh chère.” She coos rubbing one smooth ebony hand down his face, “You seem so sad.”

“M-My family.” He whispers overcome by his grief.

“Family is nothing to us now, chère. You are mine now and I will not share.”

He steps back and away from her tempting caresses, “You…you did this.”

“Oui but in time you will see that it was necessary my love.”

“It was not necessary!” He booms at her taking a menacing step towards her. She is small in comparison to him but her presence of power makes him feel like a useless child. Her exotically beautiful face pinches in rage as takes in his enraged posture before smoothing itself into a smirk.

“You think you are a big man that can scare me?” She asks haughtily as she saunters closer to him. “You have no idea the power I possess. Would you like to see? Would you like to see what I could make you do?”

Fear, a foreign emotion to a man of his bloodline and class, shoots through his veins. What can she make him do? The thought is caught off by the sound of a scream as well as the flaming body of one of the housemaids. She rolls onto the ground putting out the flames but she is clearly into much agony to even move after that.

“I think I should show you who you belong to, chère.” The woman beside him spits before walking gracefully towards the near cinder burned woman on the grass nearby. He again, feels no control over his body as he follows after her.

As they draw close he recognizes the housemaid as, Nina, one of the younger woman in his home. At the sight of him Nina reaches one terribly burned hand towards while moving her mouth soundlessly in a plea he cannot hear.

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