. E L E V E N .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Roulette" By System Of A Down.

. E L E V E N .

The dark has barely descended before Xavier is waking Iris from her much needed sleep. He had stayed the night on her couch and it had been as thrilling as it was unnerving to have him in her apartment over the night. Iris kept feeling restless the whole night for a reason she couldn’t quite understand but eventually had fallen into an unsatisfying sleep. Well she had until she was his highness came into the room flipping on the light on and throwing a chunky oversized sweater and jacket at her while placing her sneakers on the foot of her bed.

“What the—“

“Get up, get dressed and be quick about it.”

Scowling at him she picks up her sneaker at throws it at him only for him to catch it before it hits him in the face. Running his tongue over his teeth he smirks at her, “You’ve got good aim but your power isn’t impressing me.”

“Oh screw you.”

“Not tonight I’m afraid. We have other matters to attend to.”

Making a face at his innuendo Iris gets out bed and grabs some jeans that were laying the floor to pull on over her underwear clad lower half. That’s when she catches a musky scent in the air, heavy and sweet smelling. Lifting her frowning face up she looks at Xavier to see his mercury colored eyes trained on her half naked legs. Blushing pink on her cheeks she pulls the jeans the rest of the way up deciding to just ignore it.

“So.” She begins clearing her throat, “What are we doing?”

“Questions will just prolong you from getting ready, Iris.” He replies, a bit stiff despite the huskier tone to his voice, “Just hurry it up. We don’t have all night.”

Rolling her eyes at his ordering she slips the chunky navy knitted sweater over her head and after sliding on some mismatching socks pulls on her sneakers. Throwing her mahogany hair in a messy knot on the top of her head she grabs her coat before facing Xavier who is looking at her impassively.

“All ready, your majesty, any other commands?” She asks with sarcastic sweetness.

Pursing his lips he doesn’t respond and instead turns briskly away from her and begins walking out of her room. With another eye roll at his back she follows him out of her apartment. Turning around she locks it and turns only to see Xavier almost out of sight and down the hallway. Looking around she doesn’t see anyone around so she uses her newly acquired speed to catch up to him again.

When she comes to a stop at the end of the hall she finds him leaning against the wall with a smirk playing on his lips. A chunk of hair comes out of her bun and flops down on her face causing her to blow it off with a huff. Xavier says nothing but shakes his head with a bigger smirk spreading across his face as he turns to make his way down the four flights of stairs to exit the building. Iris follows him both annoyed and kind of curious about all this. Xavier is nothing if not a mystery to her and maybe this little outing will bring her closer to putting more pieces into the puzzle.

Or maybe he’ll just take her hunting again.

That seems more likely but Iris has always been a bit of an optimist. Following him into the waft of cold fall air hitting her face Iris, more out of instinct than necessity, pulls her coat on over the sweater. Xavier looks over his shoulder at her sparingly as they begin walking down the sidewalk again in silence. Iris is speed walking behind him as his long legs take longer steps making her more petite frame use more energy just to keep up which is annoying but most likely unavoidable.

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