. N I N E .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Breathe" By Puscifer

. N I N E .

Iris lets the warm water of the showerhead wash over her body in a daze as the red color of Abel’s blood swirls down the drain. She didn’t mean to bite him again but she couldn’t help herself. Abel was his normal self most of the way to the club but as soon as they started dancing he got very hands on. She gave in; she liked him a lot after all and felt this want to be closer to him.

It was when he began kissing her neck she started to feel her control slip. Xavier’s words kept echoing in her mind and with more control than she thought possible she ripped herself from him. She sped off to the bathroom, trying to get a grip of herself and her fangs back into her mouth. She couldn’t control herself around Abel, she couldn’t but she had to.

She was washing her face with some water, hoping it would clear her head when he came into the bathroom. His scent was stronger due to him sweating and his intensely dark eyes were heated as they looked at her. He wanted her and she wanted him so why couldn’t she enjoy it just this once?

He had her sitting on of the sinks in the bathroom, hand between her legs and claiming every inch of her mouth with his tongue when she couldn’t hold back anymore. Her fangs descended all the way in a second before she slipped them into the tantalizing flesh of his neck. He tasted amazing, just as he had before but this time she could also taste the adrenaline in his veins making him taste like something close to ecstasy.

Realizing what she had just done she tried to remove herself but Abel surprised her by holding her head to his neck. She tried to move back again but he just tightened his grip on the back of her head, making her continue to feed on him. Using her much more advanced strength she removed herself from his neck before pushing him back so she could collect herself.

Of course the only thing buzzing in her mind like an annoying fly was: Why did Abel want her to bite him so much?

It bothered her but should it? Was this his way of showing how much her being a vampire didn’t bother him or was it something else? Something about the whole thing didn’t settle right with her but she couldn’t exactly focus with Abel mere feet away from her, still bleeding and tempting her with his scent.

“I have to go.” She had told him and had done just that.

Now here she is in her shower completely confused and expecting Xavier to come any moment. Shit, she thinks, Xavier. He won’t be happy she fed off Abel again but why should she care? He has been nothing but horrible to her since she laid eyes on him so why is she feeling this concern over what he’ll think of her?

Deciding not to dwell on trying to figure out the impossible puzzle that is Xavier she instead turns off the water and climbs out. Wrapping a towel around herself she tries to stop the twisting in her stomach, a sure sign of nerves. She wipes the steam from the shower off the mirror and stares at her reflection. Who is she? She doesn’t even know.

Before this whole thing had happened she would have said she was a good person. Focused and maybe a bit clueless to the world around her but she had purpose. She had a loving family, one she hasn’t talked to in days and loving friends, who she alienated pretty early on. She would have said she was happy.

She’s not sure if all of that was true but that’s what she thought her life was.

Then Xavier swooped in a fucked it all up. Iris knows though that she won’t be able to stay mad at him forever. She’s partly thankful to him for giving her something like this, a gift as he called it. Besides its major downsides there are a few upsides she does like. At the end of the day she’s pretty sure she can’t change it now and she’s never been one to hold a grudge. Call her weak or a push over she couldn’t care less, it’s just how she is.

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