. T H R E E .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"3 Libras" By A Perfect Circle

. T H R E E .

Iris wakes up to find her bedroom completely dark. How long was she asleep? After coming home from school she took some Excedrin for her headache and fell asleep but she didn’t expect to sleep till dark. Sitting up she rubs her eyes on the heels of her hands to get the sleep out before deciding to get something to drink. Her throat feels awfully dry.

Crawling out of her bed her feet hit the tanned carpet of her apartment floor making Iris notice an ache all over her body. The flu perhaps, she thinks as a shiver passes down her spine. Frowning she realizes her window is open, did she do that? She doesn’t remember that. Closing the window she holds her sweatshirt closer to her body before leaving her room for her kitchen.

It’s nothing that would usually alert her to someone being her house or that announces his presence but the dread that suddenly feels heavy in her stomach. It’s instantaneous when she crosses the barrier of her room and into the rest of her apartment as adreneline courses through her veins. The next to register though is the flickering lights of her television and the dim sound of Lucille Ball whining hitting her eardrums that tells her something simply isn’t right.

Well that or she left her TV on.

“Television is the downside of the human race.”

Iris freezes as her eyes land on the source of the deep bored voice and finds the man from her nightmare, the man who says he attacked her. She can see him more clearly this time from the flickering light of the TV playing across his features. High cheekbones, short messy hair, a strong jawline, long thin pink lips and piercing liquid silver eyes. He’s dressed in dark colored pants and a dark colored pea coat as he sits on her second hand couch looking like he hasn’t broken into her home.


He lifts a solitary unkempt eyebrow, “Still haven’t worked it out? Here I thought your generation was all about myths and legends these days.”


“I bit you and drank you blood, Iris.” He says simply switching the channel with the remote in his hand nonchalantly. “Its really not that hard to grasp.”

Iris stares at him blankly before beginning to shake her head after she realizes what this apparently crazy man is claiming. He can’t be that. That is impossible. It simply doesn’t exist and she realizes that here she is alone in her apartment with the man that attacked her who could very well do it again. She needs to formulate a plan so she can get to her phone and away from him.

“No.” She says quietly shaking her head as she slowly moves towards her kitchen where her phone is charging on the kitchen counter. She can get to it, run out into the hallway of her apartment building and if she’s lucky get to the elevator before Mr. Psycho pants gets his grubby hands on her. “That’s impossible.”

“Is it?” He says mockingly “Well you’d know better than I wouldn’t you?”

“Who are you? How did you get in here?”

The man tosses the remote to the side and turns towards her position so she seems to have his undivided attention. His eyes look over her pajama shorts, baggy gray overhead sweatshirt and messy brown hair apathetically, its clear to her that whatever he’s here for its most likely not for sex.

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