. T E N .

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


"Red Flags and Long Nights" By She Wants Revenge.

. T E N .

Abel is miserable in his bed covered in sweat as he stares at the ceiling above. He suddenly lurches forward and bends over the edge of his bed to vomit into the bucket his roommate put there for him. Spitting out anything that didn’t immediately come out on its own, he falls back onto his mattress panting as he tries to catch his breath.

His roommates think its food poisoning but Abel knows better. He’s been feeling off since the first time Iris bit him. At first it was just a few dizzy spells but now…now it’s this shit. It feels like the flu to him with how his body aches, running hot and cold with the vomiting it all seems like a common thing but it isn’t. Everything one of his thoughts is about Iris.

He craves her bite so bad he feels like he could die without it.

When he followed her into the bathroom at the club it was to make sure she was okay at first but when he saw her his intentions took a turn for the less innocent. He couldn’t stop himself and though he was just doing what he’d been itching to do since he first saw her he could feel her fear. It was palpable but it didn’t make him pause, it just made his desperate to have her push it aside. All he could think about was the ecstasy of her siding her fangs into him like a junkie needing a fix.

It was bizarre and still is to Abel but that doesn’t stop his mind from going to that place again. His body is already reacting to the mere idea of her doing it again in excitement and he groans as he moves a hand over his sweaty chest. Hugging his pillow to him he rolls over to his side before falling asleep though he doesn’t doubt even his dreams will be filled with orange-eyed angels.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Iris is pacing through her kitchen fighting the urge to tear out her hair. Since she woke up as soon as the sun dipped out of sight questions have been plaguing her mind. Where did Xavier go exactly? He said he’s clean up her mess but what did that mean? Did it mean he’s going to kill Abel? Can she allow that? No, she thinks with certainty, she can’t allow that to happen. No matter whatever messed up situation she has with Xavier it doesn’t stop the fact she cares about Abel. She doesn’t want any harm to come to him.

“Ironic.” She snorts to herself out loud, “You’re the source of all the harm you idiot.”

Shaking her head at the fact that she is now talking to herself. Iris, done with just wondering, makes her way into her bedroom to slip on some shoes and her jacket before heading for the door. Making her way towards The Golden Stool, the bar Abel works at, she feels eyes on her back as she walks but refuses to acknowledge them. It’s probably nothing, she tells herself but the hairs on the back of her neck stand up all the same making her on high alert.

Walking into the bar she’s hit with all the scent she didn’t catch the last time she was there. Hesitantly she makes her way to the bartender, an older man with graying reddish hair and searching hazel eyes that land on her before sparking with curiosity. Clearing her throat Iris tries to make herself seem confident but her shaky meek voice is a dead give away.

“Um, sorry to bother you but do you know where I can find Abel Da Costa?”

“Why would you need to know that?” The bartender asks casually. “You his girlfriend or something?”

“Something.” She mutters, her eyes dropping to the pulse point above the collar of his shirt distractedly. The bartender’s chuckle brings her out of any blood filled fantasies she may be having and she couldn’t more grateful.

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