. T W E N T Y .

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© Amber Kalkes 2015


"Tempest" By Deftones

. T W E N T Y .

Iris clutches Xavier’s discarded clothes to her chest in a complete daze. She watches him roll his shoulders and crack his neck dumbfounded that this this is really happening. When he shoots her a wink she is immediately irritated by his caviler attitude. He could die and here he is acting like this is a cakewalk!

“You’re fucking insane.” She hisses at him.

Smirking he’s quick to counter with, “Only for you baby.”

Scoffing she shakes her head just as he’s turning his back to her. She watches the veins in his arms pop out as he clutches his hands into fists and she feels herself shiver at the sound of the blood rushing through them. She averts her gaze quickly, trying to get a hold of herself. This is a really bad time to be thinking about how delicious he tastes despite her fangs already descending at the mere idea of tasting it again.

Feeling a pair of eyes on her she shifts her focus to Marianne who is glaring at her. Iris answers it with a blank stare of her own. She doesn’t know exactly what the woman plans on getting out of any of this.

Bringing Abel back was supposed to get her in deep shit, sure but once she’s gone she thinking what? That Xavier will go back to her? Why would she want him after he tried to kill her? None of it is making any sense but she’s not sure it’s supposed to. Not to the sane anyway.

“Unchain him.”

“Not until Iris is at a safe distance.” Xavier demands as soon as the blonde is done with her own order. When no one answers Xavier turns his head to glare at the council. The man with the white hair and red eyes looks over her slowly before nodding his head with a sigh.

“Very well.” He agrees from his seat before putting out a hand towards her. “Come here, young one.”

Iris gives a glance in Xavier’s direction and who gives her a quick nod. Slowly she moves towards the white haired councilmember. The other councilmembers watch her every step as she approaches the table. Her shaking hand grips the fabric of her gown as she steps up the few stairs to stand before the table and the white haired vampire.

He reaches more towards her, his hand palm up in a coaxing gesture that doesn’t settle her stomach. Shakily she pries her hand from her dress to slip her hand into his Power flows through their conjoined hands and Iris feels her the more savage side of her fade into the recesses of her mind. Something is off about this man, she thinks, something not reassuring in the least.

He pulls her around the table gently, which she allows despite the urge to vomit or run coursing through her mind. When she stands beside him his ruby eyes, much brighter than anything she’s ever seen before, avert to something behind her. A chair is slide behind her and with a polite smile he guides her into the chair stationed beside him.

Sinking into it she swiftly takes back her hand and lays it in her lap, trying to stop it from shaking as bad as it is. Iris clasps them in her lap as she looks towards Xavier to see him looking much more relaxed more that she is out of harms way. Well direct harms way maybe.

“Do not fear, child.” The thickly accented voice beside her soothes. “I am named Caius, an ancient among our kind. You must sense this, no?”

“I do.” She whispers unsteadily.

He gives her a slight smile. “I will mean no harm to you until you have proven yourself needing of harm. Calm yourself so we may watch your sire battle for your innocents in peace.”

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