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"He is so fucking hot." I said to my bestie, Quinn Fabray while watched Sam Evans in the pool with his friends. "Shame that he will never notice me."

"Don't think like that, you just need to make yourself noticeable to him." Quinn said it back.

"It's not that easy." I said to her "I'm the shiest person ever!" I said.

Confusing? Let me explain from the beginning...Hi! My name is Rachel Berry and I'm 14. Its the end of the summer and I'm on the resort that I am membership. It's the most famous resort in town and everyone comes in the summer. It's very fun. Me and my bestie Quinn are tanning while watch Sam Evans and friends in the pool. And if you guys didn't notice, I have a huge crush on Sam Evans. He is very popular! That's why he will never notice me. I'm not a popular girl, I'm just there.

"How he does that?!" Quinn said and I turn my attention back to the group of boys in the pool and see my other best friend there, Finn Hudson. "He is friend with every single person in town!" Quinn shouted and I chuckle.

"To be honest, I envious Finn a little for his ability of talking with everyone this easily." I said to her.

"Preach girl!" She said and I laughed.

"Hey there beautiful ladies." Finn said approaching us and kissed my cheek then kissed Quinn's cheek. As tough he is popular guy, he is so nice with everyone. That's why he is my best friend. He lay on the tanning chair next to me. He is wearing just his swim shorts and sunglasses.

"Hey Finn." We said at the same time.

"What you guys doing?" He asked.

"Tanning." I said to him and he frown his eyebrows.

"And what's the fun on doing that?" He asked and me and Quinn laughed.

"Tanned skins!" Quinn answered.

"So you guys just spend hours lying here tanning and gossiping?" He asked.

"Yeah!" Me and Quinn said.

"Boooring." He singed and we laughed "Let's try something different." He said and get up from the chair and grab Quinn bridal style who started to yell and throw her on the pool.

"Hudson!!! I'm going to kill you!" Quinn yelled and me and Finn burst out laughing "Rachel! Stop laughing! Finn throw her too!!"

"Your wish is my command." He said laughing and turn to me.

"You better don't do that!" I warned and he laughed.

"Too late baby girl." He said and grabbed my bridal style.

"Finn!! Put me down!!" I yelled and he laughed.

"Never!" He said and jumped with me in his arms in the pool. The three of us burst out laughing. I was now on Finn's back with my legs around his waist because if you guys never noticed, I'm shorty and the pool is very deep.

"Hey Rach, do wanna go shopping later? School starts next week." She said and I nod.

"Totally, I really need to go shopping. I don't go in ages!" I said and Finn let out an ironic chuckle.

"Yeah right, since last week. Aaaaageees." He ironically said. And I roll my eyes playfully.

"I'm sorry Mr, I'm sorry for wanting to have new clothes. You don't start High School every day!" I said and Quinn nod agreeing.

"I don't see the much of a big deal in High School." Finn said.

"That's because you're a 14 years old boy, nothing that's is not sports and girls are a big deal for you." Quinn said and we high five.

"Where is Puck? I need a support of a guy here." Finn asked and I laughed.

Puck is my twin brother, he is really friends with Finn. To Puck, Finn is like my Quinn, get it? A little bit confusing but I will explain. I don't have many friends, so will be easy to explain, wow that's kind of sad. Well, me, Quinn, Finn and Puck are a very close group of friends (Puck is my brother but whatever). We always hang out together. Finn is my best guy friend and Quinn is my best girl friend. There is things that I only tell Quinn like my crush in Sam Evans cause I know Puck and Finn would make fun of it and there is things the boys don't share with us. But I love everyone equally. Okay I may love Puck more a little bit, he is my twin after all. Puck and I met Finn and Quinn in the first day in kindergarten and we are together ever since. Oh!!! And I have another friend, Santana. Santana is my godmother and godfather's daughter and my parents are her godparents. We used to be very close friends when we were younger but now we don't talk that much. But I know if I need her, she will be there for me and I will be there for her. To be honest, I miss having her around. We usually hang out when both of us wanna go to a party and our parents just let us go if we go together. But she is really fun.

"Missing me bro?" Puck said and jump in the pool.

"Finally!!! Someone who shares thoughts with me!" Finn said and we all laughed.

"Let's just agree there isn't much to share." Quinn said and I burst out laughing.

"Hey!" Puck and Finn said at the same time and I continued laughing.

"If you don't stop laughing I will take you off my back and let you drowning." Finn said and I kept laughing and he pretended that he was going to take my arms off him and I squealed and squeezed my arms around his shoulder and chest and he laughed. I saw Quinn and Puck looking each other suspiciously but I didn't get it and just let go. "You know I would never let you drown." He said and I chuckled.

"I don't understand how my twin brother end up being tall and I end up being shorty." I said and everyone laughed.

"Maybe our mom was shorty and our dad tall." Puck said shrugging.

You see the thing, me and Puck are adopted. Our biological parents were teenagers when we born so our dads heard about their case and decided to adopt us. But we couldn't be happier, I love having to gays dads. And if I need a mom, I have Carole, Finn's mom. She is a sweetheart. And I also have Quinn's mom, Anna.

"Talking about parents, my mom is coming to get me soon. You're coming to my house right Rach?" Quinn asked and I nod.

"Totally, let's go." I said. "Bye boys!" I said and kissed Finn's cheek and get off his back and left the pool. I wrap my towel around my body, grab my bag and went to the girl's showers.

Finn's POV

When Rachel left, I already missed her on my back. This girl drives me crazy in so many levels and she has no idea about it. I watch her leave talking and laughing with Quinn.

"Are you still into her?" Puck asked me and I sighed. "Dude, it's been years."

"It's not my fault! I can't choose for who I am in love with. Don't you think that if I could choose, I wouldn't choose to be in love with someone that loved me back?" I tell him and he sighed.

"You know what I think you need? MOVE ON!!!" Puck yelled and I sighed.

"How? Going to parties and making out with a lot of girls?" I asked him with an annoyed tone cause I would never do that.

"No! You just have to get yourself a girlfriend. Cmon dude, we're in High School now and you're popular, it won't be hard." He said and I think a little. If Rachel doesn't like me in that way, would be bad for me to move on?

"Okay, I will try." I said.

"THANKS GOD!!" Puck yelled making everyone look at us and I just burst out laughing.

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