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I get home after Finn's birthday. I went to my bedroom and get changed to my pajamas and lay on my bed under the covers and for the first time, I let all the emotions out and I break down crying.

I hate feel this, like I can't do anything. I feel definitely like shit. I can't believe that this is really happening. I am in love with my best friend and I can't do nothing about it. He is with someone else. What does it hurts so much?! My phone started ringing and I look the caller ID and see it's Q.

"Hey Q." I said sniffling and still with a cracked voice.

"Where are you? I'm looking for you everywhere. Wait, are you crying?!" She asked and I sniffle again and just to think about it makes me wanna cry.

"I'm at home and yes I'm crying." I said to her and my eyes started tearing.

"Wait? Why? Did he rejected you?" She asked desperate.

"No, no, he didn't. I didn't even had the chance to tell him. When I was going to tell he said to me that he is dating, officially." I told her and started crying again.

"Oh no...Just wait for me, I will call my mom to pick me up and I'll be there soon." She said and hung up the phone.

Less than 30 minutes later I heard a hard knock on my bedroom's door, I guess my dad let Quinn come in. I get up and opened the door and her face softened when she saw me. My tears don't stop falling and I'm with puffy eyes.

"Oh Rach..." She said and hugged me and I cried on her shoulder.

Finn's POV

I'm sit on the couch watching everyone having fun in my birthday party while I just can't have fun because of Sam and Rachel earlier, talking about her, I don't see her ever since. Talking with her today just showed me how much I miss that girl. I try so fucking hard to not love her, to deny all my feelings for that little cute amazing brunette that stun me every time she talks or smile. What am I doing with myself? What is she doing with me? Without even knowing! All I wanted is that she liked me back, is my biggest dream. Gosh, I am definitely the biggest loser ever. I am here whining about a girl that is my best friend and I wanted her to be my girlfriend...A shame that she does not want that.

"I'm telling you dude, the girl that I met today is amazing." I heard Sam said and I scrunch my nose, my Rachie...

"Who is she?" The dude with him asked.

"Rachel Berry." He said smiling.

"Don't know her." His friend said.

"Shorty and long brunette hair." Sam said, sure Rachel is that. But she is way more than just shorty and brunette. She is the best person ever, she is the funniest, the kindest and the most caring girl alive. I want Rachel so badly, but she doesn't like me.

"Oh I think I've seen her around. She is hot dude." His friend said and I really wanna punch him on the face.

"I know." Sam said and I get up and walk to them.

"Hey Sam buddy, I wanna have a word with you." I said to him faking a smile.

"Sure, sup birthday boy?" Sam asked and I grab him by the collar of the shirt and I lift him from the floor and put him against the wall. I'm a very strong dude, thank God for my height. "What the hell?!" Sam asked.

"Dude, you're my friend but you better listen to me cause I'm only going to say that once. I know Rach since I was like 3. And she is my best friend in this entire world, so you better treat her like a fucking princess cause that's what she is. If I hear that she cried a one single tear over you, you're a dead man. Are we clear?!" I said a little bit to loud and he swallowed.

"Yes. I don't wanna hurt her. I kind of like her." He said and I felt once. again a punch in the stomach. But I can't blame him for liking her, Rachel Berry is a masterpiece, I just wished I haven't scare of being rejected. Cause I know that would happen cause she will never love me in that way.

"Good." I said and let him go and left the room.

I don't wanna ever see Rach drop a single tear because of a boy.

Rachel's POV

"And t-then I stayed w-waiting for my dad in the p-porch wi-with Sam Ev-Evans." I said sobbing cause I was crying hard and Quinn hugged me again.

"Is going to be okay...Maybe this whole thing with Finn wasn't really to happen and you're gonna find someone else. Is going to get better." She said petting my back.

"Why doesn't feel like it? Why does it feel that is gonna hurt forever? I always thought that the first time I would've been crying over a boy, Finn would be comforting me with his hugs that I love so damn much but I never thought he would be the one I were going to be crying for." I said to Quinn still crying on her shoulder.

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