First Day

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"RACHEEEEL!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!" Noah yelled hitting the door.


One usual morning in the Berry house. Me and Noah fighting for the bathroom. I finished curling my hair and get off the bathroom and see Noah standing there waiting.

"FINALLY!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes and go to my room. I get dressed and go downstairs and have breakfast with my dads.


"Okay kids, we're here." My daddy, Hiram said clapping his hand excited and I look to my dad, Leroy and he was wiping tears.

"Dad are you crying?" Noah asked him.

"Don't judge me! My babies are going to High School!" He said and we laughed and get off the car.

"Ready sis?" Noah asked and I smiled.

"Think so." I said. We get in the school. I go to my locker and Noah go to his. My locker it's next to Quinn's, thankfully.

Talking about yesterday, I don't know what happened to me. I don't know why I felt hurt, it was just Finn kissing another girl. He is my best friend and I should be happy for him finding someone... but why can't I? Why can't I be happy for him? Is Quinn right? NOOOO!!! She is not!!! 

"Hey girl!" I heard someone saying and I turn around and see Santana.

"Hey San." I said to her forcing a smile.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Dammit, sometimes I forget that I know Santana since always and I can't lie to her cause she knows me well.

"I'm just thinking in a few things. Nothing important." I said lying but whatever.

"About Mr.FH?" She asked and I chuckled with the nickname.

"For the hundred time, I'm not in love with him. So just forget about it." I said and she chuckled.

"So, have you talked to him to know if it was Hannah Green?" Santana asked.

"Nope. I didn't saw him since that." I said and Santana wide eyes looking to something behind me and I turn around and see that is against locker flirting with the same girl that he was making out yesterday.

"Just found him." I said to Santana. I don't know why I keep feeling this weird thing in my heart. And a little bit of jealous. Must be just that I'm afraid of loosing my best friend.

"Are you okay?" Santana asked me and I forced a smile.

"I'm just fine! You guys should stop saying that I like him cause I don't." I said and in the exact time the bell ring and I grab my things and went to my first period.

Now is lunch time and I sit on table with Quinn, Noah and Santana. I was actually surprised when Santana sit with us not with her friends. She is being with us more lately, that make me happy cause I missed Santana around.

"Where's Hudson?" Noah asked and we all shrugged.

"Found him." Quinn said and discreetly point for a table behind us and there was Finn with the Hannah girl and a few jocks.

Like I've said a few days ago, Finn is a really nice guy. It's so easy to be friends with him. And that's why he is friend with everyone in town. I don't know a single person who would say that dislike him or that he is a bad person. He has an amazing heart but he is also ingenue. And that worries me. I'm afraid that these people that he is hanging out destroy the Finn Hudson that everyone knows and love. My best friend. As tough I'm confused about how I feel about him right now, the only thing that I will be always 100% sure is that I don't want him to chance for the worse.

"I told you guys that this girl don't add anything good to someone's life." Santana said and I bit my lower lip.

"I didn't talked with him the whole day. And I had two periods with him." Quinn said and I sighed.

"Is like this that is going to be trough the rest of the year?" Puck asked and I shrug.

"I guess is true when people say that High School change people." Quinn said.

"Cmon, he didn't changed. It's only the first day, he probably is just to making new friends." I said and they shrugged and nod "At least I hope is this, right?" 

"Yeah, maybe." Santana said and the bell ring and we went to our classes. I walk in the class and sit in an empty spot.

A few minutes later I was using my phone waiting for the teacher come and I see Finn walk in hand in hand with the Hannah girl. He look right into my eyes and do anything, he just sit next to his new, I guess, girlfriend. Are you serious that he did that?! Are you fucking serious?! A small smile would be enough, he didn't need to sit with me or talk to me, but just a small smile to show me that he still remember my existence would be just fucking fine.

I put my phone in my bag and keep waiting for the teacher and I see my brother walk in the class, thank God! He looks to Finn then he looks at me and frown his eyebrows confused and sit next to me and I just shrug.

"Not even a smile." I said and he sighed.

"What's going to happen with him?" Noah asked and I sighed.

"I have no idea." I said.

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