Happy Birthday

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December 18th

"Happy birthday for us!" Noah said hugging me from behind in the kitchen and I laughed.

"Happy birthday, twin!" I said. Today is a Saturday and usually I get excited that is my birthday but this year, I'm not. We are leaving tomorrow. I can't even be happy for turning 15 cause I already have to leave. And I will miss being here.

"Are we going to do something today?" Noah asked me and I shrugged. I can feel in his voice that he just wants to stay home doing nothing like me.

"Honestly? I'm really not in the mood." I told him and he sighed.

"Me neither, wanna have a movie marathon?" He asked and I small smiled.

"I'm in." I said and we go to the living room and grab one blanket and covered us.

Now is like 8pm and I must admit that I liked my movie marathon with Noah. Our dads had lunch with us and then they went to Madrid, they had to go today cause they have to see if everything is okay with the house that we are going to live in. We heard the bell ring and the both of us groaned.

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked him and he denied. "I'm gonna get it."

I get off the couch and walk towards the door. I'm wearing sweatpants and a sweater, my hair is in a messy bun. It's cold here in Lima cause it's December. I opened just to see Sam, Quinn, Santana and Finn there.

"What the hell you guys are doing here?" I asked confused. I would be embarrassed of someone seeing me like this but I honestly don't care, the intimacy is another level. They are with a birthday cake and five pizzas and sodas.

"Happy birthday!" They all said at the same time.

"Rachel! Who is it?!" Noah yelled from the living room and they all wide eyes.

We've been kind of living in a cave since Noah came back three days ago. We didn't went to school cause we had to pack everything. They didn't knew that Noah was back so that's why they are surprised. He came to the door confused cause I haven't answered him and he jumped a little when he saw them.

"Oh hey you guys, we are watching a movie, wanna join us?" He asked like it was nothing and the four of them were shocked.

"Puck!!! The last time we saw you was what beginning of September and that's how we know that you're back?!" Quinn shouted and they all run to hug Noah and I see his face and he is laughing, I know he stole their wallets. I started to laugh as well.

"Why the two of you are laughing?" Finn asked confused.

"Check your pockets." I said and they all checked and the eyes widened.

"Where is my wallet?" Sam asked and Puck show them the wallets in his hand and they all were shocked.

"Learned a few tricks in juvie, hun?" Santana asked and he laughed.

"This was the more okay, but my dads said that if I ever used something that I learned in juvie that is considered a crime, they would find a way to let me in juvie for years." Noah said and we all laughed.

"Sorry to cut the juvie vibe, but I must ask, what the hell you guys are doing here?" I asked and they giggled.

"Well, since is you guys birthday and no one said nothing about celebrating, we decided to bring a cake in case you guys don't have one." Finn said and we smiled.

"Thanks." We said at the same time.

"Time for the group hug!" Sam said and we all laughed and we all hugged then we went watch movies in the living room.

"I'm going to miss this." Sam said in the middle of the movie. The six of us sitting on a couch watching a movie, we don't know when the six of us will be in the same room ever again.

"I don't want you guys to leave." Finn said and I squeeze him lightly. I'm with my arms around his waist and he has his arm around me. It's not a secret to anyone that we have sorta of a thing going on between us. No one even dare to ask us about it.

"With you guys we know that you mean mostly Rachel." Noah said and we all laughed.

"Don't say that dude, I will miss you too. But your sister is you sister." Finn honestly said and we all laughed and I smiled to him and he winked to me. I'm going to miss him so badly.

"Thank God you think like that." Noah said and we all laughed.

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