I'm Back Bitches

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A week later- November 22th

I opened the William McKinley High School, I kind of missed that. With my Cheerio uniform, I go walking trough the hallway with the whole power. I'm Santana Lopez. And I'm back. I walk with both hands on my hips and like I own this damn school.

Like I've said, everything was just fine with my green card. Oh and I can't wait til I found Karofsky. I spent two months and a half back with my family in Mexico, let's just say that I am sassier than ever.

I can see the surprised looks and I can hear the whispers. No one knew that I would comeback. Not even my closest friends. I pass trough them in the hallway and they all looked at me confused and surprised with smiles.

"Just wait a minute, I just found who I was looking for." I said to them and they frown their eyebrows and I see walking trough the hallway with his buddy, Azimio.

"Well, well, look who is back. Did you married anyone here to get a green card?" Karofsky teased and high five his friend.

"Oh well Karofsky, I have to tell you a few things. You should know by now that you don't mess up with Santana Lopez. You can tell a lot by my personality just looking to my whole name, my middle name is Diabla. And let me translate to you, cause differently of you, I speak two languages. And between us, the only language you have the acknowledge it's shit. And for the record you don't even know English, I've seen the plenty F's that you got in English. Diabla means devil and like I've said you should pay attention in my name before tries to mess up with me. I don't know if you ever heard about a side of the town called Lima Heights Adjacent, I think you should know that I grow up there and that I have a lot of influence there." I said stepping closer to him and he swallowed I grab his nose and twisted it "La peor cosa que tú podrías facer tú fiestee. Me mandaste devuelta pars mi casa con my familia. Y my familia está muy brava contigo, usted sabes o que elles hacen cuando están bravos? Elles gritan bastant en español que el una idioma que yo sei que tu non entiende nada que estoy hablando. Porque eres muy burro. I'm just going to say now in English to be very clear, if you ever look in my direction or my friends direction, I swear that I will hunt you and won't stop til I have your dick on my wall, actually not the dick, cause first you have to have one and believe me, girls talk and your name is not very good in their mouth. So I think you should shut up forever and try to keep yourself of more humiliation. Thank you very much." I said and twisted his nose again and stronger and I broke it. Then I kick him right in the balls and waved lightly and left him there in pain. Everyone is laughing their asses off  of Karofsky and I just walk towards my friends that were laughing hard too. I missed them.

"If every time that you comeback from Mexico, you do things like that, it would be pretty awesome." Finn said and I laughed. It's nice having him around. I don't know what I missed, but my Mexican third eye is telling me that there is something between him and Rach that no one told me. I can see the way they look to each other, it's cute actually. But cuter than they way they look to each other, is the way they look to one another when the other is not paying attention. For example, when Rachel is talking and Finn is with a silly boy in love face. His eyes bright when she laughs or when she just smile. Awww, Finchel is the cutest thing ever. I have to ask to Rachel update me from what happened while I was gone.

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