After School

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"You guys wanna have ice cream in the mall?" Santana asked approaching me, Quinn and Noah that were outside the school.

"Sure, why not?" I said.

"My mom can take us." Santana said. Quinn called her mom saying that she didn't had to pick her up and Noah called our dad.

"Does any of you talked with Mr.FH today?" Santana asked.

"I had Chemistry class with him today, he looked in my face and sit down. He didn't even gave me a small smile, nothing." I told them, I'm very upset with that. He is my best friend after all. As tough that I'm realizing that I might have a crush in my best friend.

"I didn't talked with him either. And I had like three periods with him." Noah said.

"I had almost all my periods with him. It was uncomfortable in so many levels that I can't describe." Quinn said. "I don't know about you guys, I don't wanna loose Finn."

"The thing blondie...Is that I think we already did." Noah said.


"I missed hanging out with you guys." Santana said when we grabbed our ice creams and sit on a table in the corner.

"We missed you too." Quinn said "We always will have space in the group for you." Quinn joked and we all laughed.

"That's so nice of you." Santana said playfully. "But seriously you guys, I will hang out with you more." She said and we all smiled.

"Uh oh...We have a problem." Quinn said pointing to the door and we see Finn walk in with the Hannah girl. Is she glued with him now?! For God sakes.

"Don't worry, he probably won't even talk to us, we won't have any problems." I said. It's kind of sad, yesterday we were all together in the resort's pool having fun and in the very next day he won't even look at us. He grab his ice cream with Hannah and they sit on a table.

"He didn't even saw us." Quinn said.

"Told ya." I said and sighed. "So, are you guys planning to join something?"

"Totally, I will try out to the football." Puck said.

"Noah! That's amazing." I said to him. And he smiled.

"And I'm going to try out for Cheerios, I want to be the head cheerleader." Santana said and I smiled.

"That's cool, how about Q, are you going to join something?" I asked.

"Nah, not really. I wanna focus in my grades. How about you?" She asked.

"Me too. I wanna have good grades and I can tell that this year is going to be harder cause it seems that I lost my study buddy." I said. I always used to study with Finn, to all tests. But I think this year that won't happen.

"That's a shame, but since we both will have free time, we can study together." Quinn suggested and I smiled to her.

"That sounds great." I said to her.

"You two please promise that won't leave me and Rach for the jocks and cheerios like Finn did? Pleeease?" Quinn begged and they laughed.

"We promise." Santana said and we laughed.

"Rach, dad is calling me. I think he is already here, let's go." Noah said and we stand up.

"Q, do you need a ride home?" I asked Quinn. One thing that I'm very glad about is that Quinn live in the house in front of ours, just across the street. So we basically live in each others house.

"Nah, my mom is coming to pick me up. Thanks anyway." She said and we all said goodbye. While we were leaving we past right next to Finn's table and I give him a disappointed look and I guess he took the hint cause he swallow and looked nervous.

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