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"Hey Finn!" Quinn said excited and hugged him "Happy Birthday!" She said still hugging him, we are all still kind of upset with him about the way he has been treating us at school... Actually he is not treating us in any way cause he doesn't even talk to us.

"Hey there birthday boy!" I said and hugged him, I missed this more than I thought.

"Happy birthday man." Noah said and they do their greeting that they have since they were 7.

"Happy birthday!" Santana said and hugged him. She is really hanging out with us more frequently, I missed her.

"Thank you guys for coming, I know I haven't been present lately." He said rubbing the back of his head and we all just shrug and smile like were nothing, but I know we all care but we dinner wanna upset in his birthday.

"What?! No! It's cool dude." Noah said pretending that it's all cool.

"And that's because you didn't wanted a party." I said to Finn when the others left and he laughed.

"Yeah...I think I'm just trying to change a little." He said and I smiled. A little, ha ha, A FUCKING LITTLE! This is the first time that we talk in three days.

"That's nice...Change is good, sometimes." I said and he half smile.

"Look Rach, I'm sorry for not hang out with you guys a lot lately." He said and I forced a smile.

"Yeah...We miss you tho." I said to him and he half smiled. "But it's cool." I said lying.

"You wanna go outside? I want to talk with you in a quieter place, I miss talking to you." He said and I nod and we go to the yard and sit in the bench.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" I asked him, I really wanna tell Finn about how I feel about him.

"I actually have something important to tell you." He said.

"I kind of have something to tell you too. But you go first." I said.

"Today I finally asked Hannah to be my girlfriend." He said and in that exactly second I felt my heart break in a lot of pieces, I felt the urge to cry but Finn can't know.

"Oh my God, Finn! This is so great!" I said pretending to be excited and hug him. I wanted so badly to feel happy for him but I just can't feel anything but heartbroken.

"So, what do you have to tell me?" He asked me and I think quickly in an answer.

"I just was going to say that I missed you in these three days." I said to him smiling and he smiled back and hugged me tight.

"I missed you too." He said and we stayed like that for a while but a few minutes later we break the hug.

"I think you should go back inside, your girlfriend must be looking for you." I told him and he kissed my cheek and went inside.

Finn's POV

That's was harder than I thought. I think that I will always have this fantasy inside me that someday Rach will like me in that way. Cause I really like her. She looked bothered with something, she is not being her old self. I miss her.

I know is kind of stupid to date someone while you're in love with someone else. But, I think this is me trying to move on from her.

I really miss her in my life. I spent like three days without talking to her and I miss her like crazy. I don't know how I managed to not talk with her for this long.

Rachel's POV

After Finn left I just wanted to cry. I knew that he would never feel the same! How can I be so stupid to even consider the thought?!

"Hey dad, can you pick me up here at Finn's? I don't feel really well." I said on the phone lying trough my teeth.

"Sure honey, I'll be there soon. Go to the entrance." My dad said.

"Kay, thanks dad." I said and hung up the phone and go to the entrance of the house. I sit on the stairs from the porch and wait for my dad and a few minutes later someone sit next to me and I look to my side and see it's...Oh what the hell? Sam Evans!

"What you're doing here all by yourself?" He asked.

"Waiting for my dad, he is going to pick me up." I honestly told him.

"Already? The party barely started!" He said and I laughed.

"I just don't feel that well." I said.

"That's sad, we just met, can't believe that our talk will be short." He said and I smiled and blush a little.

"That doesn't mean that we can't talk in another time." I said and he smiled.

"I'm Sam Evans by the way." He said. Oh poor him, like I didn't even know.

"Rachel Berry." I said back to him.

"Why I never saw you around?" He asked.

"I'm a very shy girl." I told him.

"You looks like those girls that are shy but when you get to know them, they barely shut up." He said and I laughed.

"You just described me in one sentence." I said and he laughed.

"Lucky you that I like people that I can talk to." He said and I smiled.

"I can see that talking won't be a problem then." I said and he laughed.

"Can I have your number?" He asked handing me his phone and I put my number in it then I gave my phone to him. We talked for other 10 minutes then I heard a horn and look up to see my dad.

"I have to go, really nice to meet you Sam." I said and he smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Rach." He said and I get up and went to the car. As tough my heart still hurts like hell because of Finn, I must admit that I had fun with Sam.

Finn's POV

The door of my house was open and I saw Rachel and Sam talking and laughing and that destroyed my day.

It hurts so badly to be in love with someone that I know that don't like me in that way. I like Hannah but it doesn't compare about how I feel about my Rach. At least, I wanted her to be mine.

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