Park Day

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"They look pretty hot in these shorts." Quinn said watching the football team practice from bleachers.

"Preach!" Santana said and the three of us burst out laughing.

You must be wondering: why the hell you guys are watching the football team practice? Cause Noah is on it! Yes, he made it! I'm so fucking happy for him. He really wanted it. And guess who is on the football team too? Finn Hudson, now aka the Quarterback. It's the first time that a Freshman is the Quarterback. But he is really good.

Well, it's been a week since Finn's birthday and we didn't talked ever since. He was already very popular cause he is that kind of guy that is friend with everyone but his popularity exploded now that he is the Quarterback. And I miss him having around.

And another surprise is that Sam is now a really close friend of ours. We went on a date last week but in the end of the night we decided that we worked better as friends and I was happy about it. He is a really nice guy. And I am happy for Noah cause he really needed a guy support in the group and Sam is on the football team so they got really close. Now that Finn kind of left us and basically ignore our existence, it's nice for Noah have more guy friends. It was getting exhausting to him to hang out with three girls all the time.

Now, is basically me, Quinn, Santana, Sam and Noah. And is being great. It's obvious that all of us get uncomfortable when Finn pass next to us with his new trophy girlfriend, Hannah.

After the boys practice, they went to the boys locker room and we stay outside waiting for them. And we go walking to the park close to school and sit under the three that we usually go to when we wanna just stay talking.

"Hey everybody, say hello to my Instagram Story!" Quinn said turning her phone camera to us.

"Sup!" Noah yelled and at the same time a baseball ball hit him on the head and we all, including Noah, burst out laughing.

"I c-can't breathe!" Santana said between laughs.

"I'm definitely going to post this!" Quinn said laughing and post the video and all of us kept laughing for long minutes.

"That was priceless!" I said rolling on the floor laughing.

"Oh you think this is funny?" Noah asked and I kept laughing, with my scandalous laugh that makes the others laugh even more. "I'm gonna get you." He said and I get up and started running and he run after me. The others were laughing hard too and Quinn recording everything. But of course Noah reaches me and he hug me and started to spin me around until he stumble into a rock and we both fall on the ground and that made all of us laugh even harder.

"You're a disaster today!" I said laughing and minutes later of uncontrollably laugh and we stand up and comeback to where everyone were.

"What the hell happened?" Santana asked wiping her tears of laughing.

"The genius here stumbled in a rock!" I said and we all laughed.

We stayed there and when the sun was setting all of us went to our respective homes.

Finn's POV

Now is already 10pm and I'm on my bed trying to fall asleep but I just can't!

I can't stop thinking about this afternoon when I was at football practice and saw Rachel, Quinn and Santana laughing on the bleachers. They were waiting for Puck and their new close friend Sam. I don't know when that happened, it just did. And I feel kind of... replaced. Since kindergarten it was always me, Rach, Puck and Quinn. And sometimes Santana. She knows Puck and Rachel since like they were born, but she used to hang out with other girls. Now she is hanging out with them always, I don't remember the last time I saw her with the other friends. I really like Santana, she is pretty cool. But now everything has changed.

And to be honest, I miss them. Less than a month ago, me, Puck, Quinn and Rach were on the resort having the time of our lives in the summer. Rach on my back cause she can't reach the pools floor. I smile with the memory of how times were way better before High School.

Now I feel all alone. I have many many friends and a girlfriend. But I liked having my best friends that I know that will be close to me always. But I just shut them out of my life without any warning. And it hurts to see them everyday at school and sometimes out of it. I grab my phone and decided to check Instagram to get tired and I opened the stories and I decided to watch Quinn's ones.

"Hey everybody, say hello to my Instagram Story!"  Quinn said with a smile on her face.

"Sup!" Puck shouted and seconds later a baseball ball hit him on the face and I can't help but burst out laughing, oh my how much I wanted to be there.

"I c-can't breathe!" It's possible to hear Santana saying through the video. But the thing that called my attention the most is Rachel's very loud laugh and I smiled. It wouldn't be Rachel without her special laugh. The next story is Puck running after Rachel and hugging her from behind and started to spin around but he stumble into something and fell on the ground with Rachel on him and I started to laugh. I miss them.

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