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"Do you think this color would be good with my skin?" I asked Quinn showing her a shirt a she twist her nose and I know she didn't like it "I'll take that as a no." I said laughing and she laughed too.

"Rachel! This would look perfect to you!" Quinn said showing me a skirt and I smiled.

"I loved it!" I said grabbing the skirt. After we choose a lot of clothes, we went to try all of them. We left the first store with a few bags and went in a lot more and we bought a lot more. Now was already 7pm and we went to an ice cream shop here in the mall.

"So, are you excited to the first day at high school?" She asked and I smiled.

"A lot! I can't wait! But I'm nervous too." I said.

"And what about Sam?" She asked.

"What about him?" I asked confused.

"What you're going to do to make him yours?" She asked with a smirk I sighed.

"He will never notice me Q." I said.

"Girl, after the clothes that we bought today, if he doesn't notice you, trust me, he is gay." She said and I burst out laughing.

"I think we have to buy a few more clothes." I said and Quinn smiled to me.

"That's why you are my bestie." She said and we finished our ice creams and left the shop and went to more stores.

"Rach, did you noticed something different about Finn today?" Quinn asked.

"Nah, why?" I asked her.

"Cause he is totally into you and everyone can notice that...Well, everyone but you apparently." She said and I frown my eyebrows.

"What? No! You're just being crazy." I said back to her.

"Really? Me? Crazy? If I well remember someone once told me that thought that had feelings for one Mr.Finn Hudson." Quinn said and I roll my eyes.

"So what? That was years ago and I was confused. But I don't like him. Seriously, I spend hours of my day saying to you how much I like Sam and you think that I like Finn instead?" I said back to her.

"But maybe. Just maybe. Don't you think that maybe your little passion for Sam is a tentative to deny your feelings for Finn cause you're so afraid that will destroy your friendship with him that you rather convince yourself that you're in love with someone else?" She said and I sighed. She is just confusing me.

"Of course not! I'm in love with Sam. That with Finn thing was just a fase cause I was confused. Nothing more, nothing less. We like each other in a friendly way." I said to her, I like Sam.

"I think that Sam's blonde her just made you blind and you think that you're in love with Sam and maybe Finn already tried to give you hints but you believe so much in this lie that you made to yourself that you didn't get them." Quinn said and my jaw dropped, what the hell is she saying? She is just being crazy.

"Whatever Quinn! Believe in what you want but I'm saying to you that I don't like Finn in that way and he doesn't like me in that way too. So just drop it." I said and she sighed.

"Fine, I believe in you." She said "Now let's go try this clothes."

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