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A Month Later

"What the hell?!" I yelled mad and I take the stinging liquid from my eyes and I swear to God that I wanna kill him right now. His friends jocks are laughing and he is with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry Q." He mouthed to me and I give him a death glare in response.

"Oh my God, Quinn! Are you okay?" I heard my best friend's voice saying and I turn around to face her.

"Do I look okay?" I asked her mentioning the cold blue liquid on my face, hair and clothes.

"Yeah, sorry, scratch the question. Let's go to the bathroom, I'll help you to get cleaned." She said and she gave Finn a death glare, I guess she realized that he was the one who did that and we go to the bathroom.

"It was him, wasn't it?" Rachel asked me and I sighed.

"Ya think?" I said like the answer was obvious.

"I can't believe he did that, this isn't the Finn Hudson that we know." Rach said and I can tell that she is really sad about all of this. I hate seeing my best friend sad. She really likes Finn, more than she wants to admit for herself. It was heartbreaking seeing her like that after Finn's birthday and I will do everything in my power for never feel like that ever again. I know she would do that for me too.

"The sad thing my dearest friend, is that the Finn Hudson that we know is long gone." I said. Finn was like an older brother to me so it's sad to see him acting like this and slushing my face.

"Unfortunately. To be honest, I always thought that if any of us in High School would become a jerk and leave the group, I always thought it would be Noah not Finn." Rachel said and I chuckle softly. She is funny without even trying.

"That would make way more sense." I said and she chuckle while try to take the stinging liquid from my hair. That is all blue now.

"If that happened, it would be reasonable. No one would be surprised." She said and I laughed.

"True." I said and went change. After I changed, Rachel helped me with the makeup to take the color blue of my face but unfortunately my hair is still blue. We left the bathroom and the bell ringed and I went to my class and Rach went to hers.

Rachel's POV

I cannot believe that Finn slushied Quinn. Between all people, I would never expect that from him. That's not the Finn Hudson that I fell in love into. And that scares me.

"Rach! Rachel!" I heard a familiar voice calling out for me and I look behind that is Finn, I just roll my eyes and walk in my class without talking to him. He is not even in this class. We just have one period together, at least.

It's been a month since his birthday party and I didn't talked to him ever since. He says that he miss me and all but he doesn't do a thing about it. Since classes started I only talked with him in his birthday and look at us today. Me helping Quinn to take the slushy from her face, it wasn't cool. He messed up pretty hard doing that.

I can't believe that he is doing that just for status and popularity. I know him, he isn't like that. At lest, I thought he were different. Maybe now he is just acting like he really is and the Finn Hudson that we knew were a huge lie.

Quinn's POV

I walk in the cafeteria and people start look and whisper about me. A few are laughing cause they saw the slushied that Finn gave me and others must think that my hair is now blue. For God sakes, I wanna kill Finn Hudson.

"Quinn!" I heard Finn's voice calling out for me and I just turn around with closed eyes, he is probably with a slushy in his hands and it burns when touches the eyes.

"Chill, I won't slush you." He said.

"How can I be sure? You already did it before." I said with an attitude.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He said and I opened my eyes. "You know that I didn't wanted to do it."

"Really? It doesn't look like it. You know how many days it will take to finally take this blue color from my blonde hair?!" I shouted mad.

"I'm so fucking sorry Q, you have to believe in me when I say that I didn't wanted to do that to you." He said and I sighed mad.

"I'm sorry Finn, but I just can't believe in you. I can't believe in a word you say. Two months ago you were one of my best friends in the whole world, was the guy that held Rachel on the back on the pool, was the guy that stopped Puck for doing idiot things. You were our friend. But a month ago you became a total strange for us. You said that you missed hanging out with us but after your birthday you didn't even looked at us. And today you throw a slushy in my face. I'm sorry but I can't trust you anymore Finn, cause I don't know you anymore." I said mad and upset at the same time and grab my lunch and went to my usual table with my friends.

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