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Weeks Later- December 15th

"NOAH!!!!" I yelled excited and jump in his arms and he, gladly, hold me.

"LITTLE SIS!!!" He yelled happy and after a long hug let me go and hugged our dads.

"Okay Noah, we are all happy that you're back but we have some things to tell you." Leroy said and they started to explain everything about the whole moving thing and he is just nodded while they talked. I still have to tell him the whole me and Finn drama, he is worse than Santana. Santana at least we had contact but Noah, this is the first time that we are talking in months.

"There is something different on you." I said to him and he frown his eyebrows. "I just can't tell what it is. I started analyze him and when I noticed what it was I squealed making my dad stop the car quickly thinking that was something wrong "THE MOHAWK!" I said and my dads jaw dropped and their eyes widened.

"YES!" Me and my dads yelled at the same time while Noah laughed.

"They didn't let me have the mohawk, they said they had to take all off. It was a very sad day." He said and we laughed.

"How were things there?" I asked him.

"The first days were harder, but then I met everyone there and things got better. Most people must think that juvie is all about drugged teenagers that killed someone for money, but is not all that. I got to learn life teaching things like stealing wallets without no one noticing, you can see that is true cause I'm with everyone wallets and any of you felt." He said and we all checked our pockets, empty.

"Dammit!" I said and he laughed.

"If you ever use your new life teaching skills, I swear that we are going to assure that you stay in juvie for years!" Hiram said and we all laughed.

"Relax!" He said giving it back our wallets "And I made friends there, you guys can chill cause they were all good people that made a mistake. Nothing veeeery serious like murder."

"It sounds that you liked being in juvie." I said and he laughed.

"Oh no, never, it was awful. The food tasted like feet and the bed hurt my back. I had to clean everything too." He said and we laughed and my dads parked on the driveway.

"I'm going to my room pack my things since we are moving to...Where are we going?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Madrid, Spain." I said to him and he chuckled.

"I'm going to help you, I have to talk a few things with you." I said and we go upstairs to his room and started packing. I told him everything that happened. The Santana moving to Mexico, my talk with Finn at the party when he said that he loved me and the whole struggles that I had until I admit to myself, with Quinn's help, that I am in love with him.

"Wait, you're kidding right?" He asked and I swallowed, I don't wanna him to be mad.

"No." I said. "Are you mad because I'm in love with him?"

"Of course, Finn is a good dude, he may be ingenue, but he is good. I'm mad that if you or him had courage and told to each other earlier, things could've been avoided. He would never started dating Hannah and never stopped hanging out with us." Noah said "At least, that's what I think could've happened."

"Yeah, maybe. Or maybe other bad things would've happened." I said shrugging.

"We will never know." He said and I chuckled and hugged him again.

"I missed you." I said and he laughed.

"I missed you too." He said.

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