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A Month Later- November 7th

I'm here at a party in the resort and everyone is here having fun. It's been a month since Santana came back to Mexico and still nothing, I told her about me moving to Spain and I begged her to not tell Quinn and Sam. And is being a little longer than a month since Noah is gone. Now is just me, Q and Sam.

I'm here talking with Sam and Quinn when I saw a scene that pissed the hell out of me. Finn's girlfriend, Hannah Bitch, with someone else. Oh she is gonna pay for that.

"Excuse me." I tell Sam and Quinn and left. I walk towards Hannah, that was making out with some dude in a dark corner. I grab her by the hair and pull her out of the kiss and she looks pissed.


"What the hell YOU think you're doing?!" She said back.

"Taking care of Finn's feelings, it looks like someone has to. Cause it's obvious that his own girlfriend don't give a crap about him." I told her and she is pissed and nervous at the same time.

"You can't tell Finn." She said.

"Tell me what?" We heard Finn saying and both of us look to him.

"Nothing. Rachel was just leaving." Hannah said to me and I take a step closer to her.

"Was I? Cause I'm pretty sure that I wasn't. I was jus holding myself to not slap you right on the face, bitch." I said to her.

"Rachel! Why would you do that my girlfriend?" Finn asked confused.

"Oh Finny, clearly she is in love with you and will tell any kind of lie to tear us apart." She said and my jaw dropped. Who the hell she think she is?! Okay, I'm not going to deny and say that I am not in love with Finn, cause I am. But I would never do something to ruin his relationship.

"Hey, hey, hey! You ruined your own relationship! Don't try to put the blame on me." I said and Finn os beyond confused.

"But my relationship with Hannah is not ruined." He said confused.

"Do you wanna tell him or I do it myself?" I asked her and she is killing me with her eyes but then she sighed, I guess she gave up.

"I'll do it." She said.

"I'll give you guys privacy." I said and left. I sit on a table by myself. I'm not really in the mood of talking with anyone. I'm kind of scared, I know that Hannah is capable of doing unexpected things to get what she wants and I'm praying for her tell the truth to Finn, as tough everything he did was awful, truly awful and don't have any excuses for that. But I know he is not how he is acting these past months. He is way more than that and I wanna help him to bring the old Finn back.

Finn's POV

"What she is talking about?" I asked Hannah.

"I'm so sorry Finn." She said.

"For what?" I asked.

"I can't be with you anymore. I'm in love with someone else and I cheated on you with him." Hannah said and I am very upset but I kind of feel free.

"I'm sorry." She said again.

"It's okay. I never cheated on you but I'm kind of in love with someone else too." I honestly told her. Everyone thinks that Hannah is a cold hearted bitch, but she is nice when you really talk to her.

"Rachel, isn't it?" She asked and I was surprised.

"How do you know? The only person that I ever said that was to Puck." I said.

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