Pool Party

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"Hey Rach, is going to happen a pool party is the resort. Wanna go?" Noah asked.

"Sure." I said "Just wait for me." I said and run to my room. I can't stop thinking about what Quinn said yesterday, she is just crazy, Finn doesn't like me and I don't know from where she got that.

I know it wasn't very clear yesterday about my feelings for Finn and I will explain. About two years ago, I was super confused. I was sure that I liked Finn, but I didn't wanted to cause he is my best friend and I told Quinn about that one day. After that day I never talked about it again, cause I choose to keep these feelings in a very small box and bury it. Quinn saying that bunch of things yesterday just opened the little box. But I just have to forget it cause it's not true. Finn didn't like me and I don't like him. Well, at least I don't want to.

I put my bikini on and denim shorts and a tank top over it and my sunglasses and flip flops. I grab my bag and go downstairs and daddy take me and Noah to the resort.

"Argh, I don't want this routine to ends, I want summer forever." I whined and Noah complained while make our way to the pool.

"Don't even tell me about it." He said and I chuckle. When we get there we already spot Finn and Quinn talking, they were both tanning, I chuckle with the memory of an annoyed Finn that didn't like to stay tanning.

"Hey you guys." Noah said and they smiled.

"Thank God! My tanning partner got here!! Finn don't stop complaining for a damn second!" Quinn said and we all laughed. I take my tank top and my shorts and lay next to Quinn.

"It's not my fault that stay in the pool get me tanned and is way more fun!" Finn said and we laugh. "For God sakes Rach, if you tan even more you're going to be in the color of coal." He said and we all burst out laughing.

"Tanning is fun." I said.

"Okay, I'm gonna try again." Finn said and lay on the tanning chair next to mines and Puck does the same but he is next to Quinn.

"If you stop complaining for one second, I promise you will like it." I said to Finn and he chuckle.

"And what if I don't like it?" He asked and I laughed.

"We can do whatever you want to do." I said and he look at me with a half smile.

"So...Did you guys liked it?" Quinn asked after we stay two hours tanning.

"It's cool, but I have one thing to complain about." Finn said.

"Of course you have" I joked.

"Tanning is cool, but it's uncomfortable. I don't fit in the chair!" Finn complained and we all burst out laughing. Finn is just a few months older than me. His birthday is in August, actually, is in three days! Anyway, he is only 14 but damn he is tall. He always was the tallest student in class. While me, I'm shorty. I have the same height since I was 11, so imagine how many jokes he does with my short height. But is fine, cause I do the same with his.

"Can we, PLEASE, go to the pool?!" Noah begged and we laughed and get in the pool. Like every time, I stayed on Finn's back. It's actually comfortable being there. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms above his shoulders and he hold my hands.

"Finn, what are you going to do for your birthday? Your birthday is in three days!" I said.

"I don't know, you know I don't like celebrating my birthday." He said. "I'm a lazy boy, I don't like planning parties and all."

"Cmon Finn, we are not asking for you to have a party, it's just a birthday." Quinn said.

"I'll think about it." He said and we and Quinn high five.

The sun is already setting and everyone is having so much fun in this party. Puck and Finn are playing beer pong and I hope any of them get too drunk. I never liked the idea of them drinking this much cause they're only 14, but it's their choices.

"Rach!!" I heard someone saying and turn around and see Santana.

"Hey Santie!" I said excited and walked to her and we hugged.

Me, Santana and Quinn stayed a lot of hours just talking and dancing and having a lot of fun. I decided to look for Noah, cause I don't see him in a couple of hours. While I was looking for Noah, I saw a scene that I don't know why, but really hurt me. Finn was making out with a random girl. I just turn around and left quickly. I came back to where I was and Quinn and Santana are there talking with Noah.

"Hey Noah, I was looking for you." I said forcing a smile "Thank God, you're here not passed out in a corner."

"I didn't drank this much and I drank a lot of water so I'm fine." He said and I sit with them "Any of you saw Finn? I couldn't find him."

"Oh he surely doesn't want to be found. Let's just say that he is busy." I said and they gave my confused looks "When I was looking for you, I saw him making out with a girl. That's why I think he doesn't want to be interrupted." I said.

"Who is the girl?" Santana asked.

"Have no idea." I said. "What I could see is that she has medium brown straight hair and her skin was white like snow."  I said.

"Oh fuck." Santana said and the three of us look at her confused. "If you're describing the girl that I'm thinking, he was with Hannah Green. The biggest bitch alive!"

"Why would Finn make out with 'the biggest bitch alive'?" Quinn asked.

"Have you ever met Finn? He can be stupid when he wants to." Santana said.

"Don't call him stupid." I said to her. And Quinn smiled to me.

"You go girl! Stand up for your man!" She said and I roll my eyes.

"For the hundred time Quinn, I don't like him!" I said mad.

"You say one thing but your eyes say other." Noah said and I gave him a mad glance.

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