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"This is really happening." I said to Noah and we nods. I'm with my head rested on his shoulder and crying like a baby.

"Unfortunately, you're right. But everything is going to be okay. We are going to be just fine. Spain is going to be fun, me and you." Noah said and I chuckled.

"Me and you." I said. "Forever."

"You guys really thought that we wouldn't say our goodbyes?" We hard Sam saying and we turn around to see Sam, Finn, Santie and Quinn.

"Hey." I weakly said to them and get up to hug them. Quinn and Santana are crying and Finn and Sam are holding their tears. The first one I hug is Quinn and we break down crying.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said to her while we keep hugging each other.

"I'm going to miss you too." She said crying. "No matter what Rach, you and me are forever, okay? We are always going to be sisters. Cause I know someday we will be together again in the resort, having fun. Or when we go shopping together. I will miss us so much. The way that in vacation we always sneak out to each others house that we just have to cross the road. But now this is over. But the memories stay. And I'm so grateful that we have a lot of them. I will miss you so damn much, I love you Rach." Quinn said and I only could say is that loved her back. I get off her embraces and hug Sam.

"I really am going to miss you, blondie." I said crying and I can tell that he let out his tears cause he is now sobbing in my arms.

"Me too, shorty." Sam said. "You are really special to me, ya know? Before we met at Finn's party, I never had friends that I felt that I could imagine myself still talking with in 20 years. You are truly special Rachel Berry and I know we met months ago but feels like ages. You have this amazing heart that is always going to be there for everyone, no matter how many miles of distance. I'm going to miss you so much." Sam said and we kept hugging for a while and when we separate I immediately hug Santana.

"Oh Santie... I don't have words to describe how much I'm going to miss you." I said and both of us cried hard.

"You're like the sister I never had Rach. We know each other since we were born. We were so close as kids then we grew apart but finally when we comeback to each other we have to break again. But we will never let us grow apart ever again, do you hear me? We will talk everyday, I don't care about how expensive it gets the phone call. I love and I'm going to miss you so much." Santana said and we break the hug and I give her a smile. I take one step to the side and face my Finny.

"I think we should go." Quinn said taking everyone away. And I nod thanking her. I look to him and I see that he has red of eyes of crying and I hug him tight.

"I'm so sorry." He said and I break the hug but keep very close to him.

"Finn, we already talked about it." I told him and he sniffle. I'm with my arms around his face and he has one hand on my face rubbing lightly with his finger. It's kind of funny cause Finn is pretty tall and I'm shorty so I have to keep looking up to look at him. And he has to look down to me.

"I know, I just feel that this is all my fault." He said and I grab his hand and kissed it and look back to him.

"You are the sweetest guy alive, Finn. I know you don't have anything but good in you heart. That's why I am completely in love with you. I can't imagine myself with anyone but you. And I know that someday we will have our shot to be together, cause it's not over between us, I didn't stopped loving you yet and I never will." I told him and all he did was kiss me. I put my arms around his neck and he wrap his arms around my waist and lift me from the floor. I feel butterflies flying and the sparks between us. I feel shivers down my spine. The way our tongues work well together in perfect sync and how our tears are now mixed. So much love that will have to wait, wait more than ever waited.

"I have something for you." Finn said when we tear apart and he slowly put me back on the floor. He grab a little box from his pocket and opened showing a golden beautiful necklace with name Finn on it "I bought this for you. I didn't bought you this for hold you. I don't wanna you to hold yourself there in Spain. If you wanna go to dates l whatever, you don't have to hold yourself for me. But I wanna give you this to whenever miss me, you hold it and remember that no matter what or where I am. My heart is yours. And I love you so much. If we were meant to be together, we will be together. I just don't want you to ever forget that I love you so fucking much." Finn said and I tiptoed and kiss him again in the middle of the kiss the flight attended started to call the flight on the speaker and I know is time for me to go.

——The Other Friends

After Puck, Quinn, Santana and Sam left Rachel and Finn. They went to a far spot but somewhere that they could still see them but without listening.

"That's heartbreaking." Puck said while watched Rachel say a few things to Finn while both cry.

"I bet that in less than 10 years we will be reunited again, the difference is that Rachel will be in a wedding dress and Finn in a tux." Sam said and they all nod. While watch when Rachel stopped finished talking and Finn kisses her and lift her from the floor.

"Probably, but remember that it took 12 years for them kiss for the first time." Santana said.

"Yeah, but now that they did, I'm sure that if we ever comeback they won't keep their hands to themselves." Puck said. After a while the speaker starts calling for the flight and all of them made their way back to Finchel.


"I guess this is officially our goodbye." I said and wipe a few tears.

"We love you guys." Santana said and I look to Finn and he wink to me and I smiled to him and to the rest of the group and after a group hug. Me and Noah left.

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