I Like Him

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"WHAT?!" I heard Quinn yelling from the other side of the line.

"I think...It might have the chance... I think I'm in love with Finn." I said to her and she squealed again.

Okay, okay...Let me go back a little. Today was the second day of school and Finn was with that Hannah girl again. And this past days I've been thinking a lot. A LOT. And get in a conclusion that Quinn was right when she told me that I only liked Sam to hide the way I felt about Finn. I don't want to like Finn cause I don't want to ruin our friendship and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me back cause it's pretty noticeable if you see him at school.

"I'm on my way til your house right now." She said and hung up the phone. A few minutes later I heard someone knocking my bedroom's door and I opened and Quinn walked in desperate.

"TELL ME!" She shouted and we sit on the bed.

"Well, since you said these things in the store I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was making me crazy! And these past three days seeing Finn with that Hannah girl is making me sick. In the way that I want to rip my eyes off. At first I was trying to convince that I was just afraid of loosing my best friend but then I realized that no, just no. Of course I'm dying in fear of losing him cause already feels that I am losing him and I'm freakin out cause I miss him so much. I miss staying on his back at the pool, I miss him telling stupid jokes that he think is hilarious but honestly no one understands 80% of them, I even miss stay bored on the couch watching movies with him cause just having him around was enough. But now I just wanna punch myself on the face for not realizing that I was in love with him before and now he has a thing with that Hannah girl and don't even look at my face. He basically forgot about my existence. I didn't talked with him yesterday and today and I'm afraid I won't talk tomorrow and the rest of the days." I said and I didn't realized I was crying until Quinn hugged me.

"Are you going to tell him?" She asked and I swallowed.

"I don't know... Argh...Yeah, yeah, I'm going to tell him tomorrow. Oh fuck tomorrow is his birthday...Oh God! I'm just going to make fool of myself cause he doesn't feel the same." I said.

"How do you know? You didn't even tried to talk to him." Quinn said and I sighed.

"Q, I think that is pretty clear that he doesn't even care about me that much. He didn't spoke to me in two fucking days." I said sad.

"Hey! Don't say that! He is just probably busy with something. He is your best friend and if everything goes right, soon to be boyfriend." Quinn said and I laughed and wipe my tears.

"I miss him." I told her.

"I know you do." She said and pull me into a hug.

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