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"I bet it was Puck!" Finn shouted and I really got pissed.

"What the hell?! I have nothing to do about that!" I shouted looking right at him.

"Of course it was Puck, look at his face of criminal. He even has a mohawk." Karofsky said and I hold myself to not beat him up right now, I just don't wanna get in a fight in front of the police.

Police? Hun? You must be wondering...One of the jocks wrote a lot of inappropriate things in the school's walls. Yeah, wallS, more than one. And I swear to God it wasn't me. They know that one of the jocks did cause in the videos the dude that is vandalizing the school is wearing a letterman jacket. An officer walk in and whisper something in the other whisper something to me.

"Which of you the number is 20?" The officer asked and I raise my hand.

"Noah Puckerman Berry, you're under arrest." The officer said and I wide my eyes.

"I'M WHAT?!" I yelled.

"Under arrest, you're going to juvie. We have a politic of 0% of tolerance with vandalism. Once you do it, right to juvie. And you better be careful with the tone you're using." The officer said.

"But I didn't do it!" I said.

"Mr.Berry, we saw on the tapes that who did it was wearing a letterman jacket and when took it off, we saw that was wearing jersey with the number 20 on it." The officer said and I look right to Finn, I know him and the others stupid jocks have something to do about it. I wanna punch his face so hard now.

"Can I do one thing before I get arrested. Please." I begged and the officer sighed and shrugged. 

"Fine, I'll be outside, once you finish I comeback and handcuff you." The officer said and I nod and he left. When he closed the door I basically fly on Finn and started to punch him.

"If..." I said and throw a punch on him.

"I'm going..." I punched him again.

"To juvie..." I said and punched his face again. He is not even trying to fight back, he knows he deserves it.

"It's better..." I said and punched him again.

"That is for a true reason." I punched him again and when I was about to punch again they finally could take me out of Finn. The officer had to come inside.

"Show me your hands." The officer said and I extend my arms and he handcuffed me. I can't believe this is really happening. Everyone is staring at me and I left the locker room with the officer and I thought that couldn't be worse...My sister was coincidentally in front of it, talking with Santana.

"OH WHAT THE HELL?!!!!" She yelled when saw me handcuffed.

"I'll explain later." I told her and kept following the cop. Everyone in the hall and in the parking lot is watching while I get in the police's car and they drive away.

I'm in a all grey room and wearing orange romper. I do look like a criminal like and the only crime that I want to do it is kill Finn Hudson. I'm so pissed at him...When I see him, I will punch his face so many times that I don't have an exactly number to tell.

"Noah!" My dad said walking in and after seeing my dads and Rachel look on their faces it's the first time I felt that I wanted to cry about this situation.

"Please, believe in me when I say that I didn't do it." I begged them and they stayed silent thinking.

"I believe in you Noah. I know you better than anyone in this world and I know you would never do something like that." Rach said and come to me and hugged me. I wished I could hug her back, but I'm handcuffed.

"You really didn't do it?" Leroy asked and I nod quickly.

"For the hundredth time, I didn't do it. Please believe in me." I begged them and I feel my eyes teary. I can't believe that I'm being arrested because of the dude that I used call best friend and his other friends. I'm pissed.

"We believe in you." Hiram said and I sighed relieved.

"How long I'm going to stay in juvie?" I asked them.

"The officer said that like 'your crime' wasn't that serious and didn't put anyone's life in danger, you will be able to leave in December." Hiram said and my eyes widened.

"You're kidding right? It's still September." I said and they shake their heads saying no "At least I'm going to spend my birthday next to my sister?" I asked.

"We don't know yet, I'm sorry son." Leroy said and I break down crying and they hugged me.

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