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A Month Later - October

"Rachel honey, can we talk?" Hiram asked and we both go downstairs. I sit on the couch and the sit in front of me.

"We know that you've been going trough a lot lately at school. With Noah at juvie and Santana still on Mexico. So, your daddy and I have been thinking in a few things." Leroy said and I nod agreeing.

"The firm offered us a great job a few weeks ago." Hiram said and I smiled.

"Dads! This is great!" I said smiling.

"Wait honey. It's a very good offer. Our salary would be three times bigger and we thought a lot and we decided to take de job." Leroy said "We thought a lot about you and Noah before accepting it. But the recent things that happened just gave us sure to accept the job."

"I don't get it, why you guys thought a lot before accepting it? It's a great opportunity!" I said.

"Rachel sweetie, the job is in Madrid, Spain." The said and I froze. WHAT?!!!! I can't move to Madrid!

"WHAT?!" I yelled and stand up.

"Honey, we accepted for your and Noah's good too. We don't wanna you guys going trough more pain anymore." Leroy said.

"But what about Sam? Quinn?! And when Santana comeback?!!! I CAN'T MOVE TO OTHER CONTINENT!" I shouted mad. "MY FRIENDS NEED ME HERE!"

"Rach, I know it can sounds bad. But darling, it's a great opportunity for me and your dad. And a great opportunity for Noah. This can be his chance to restart, he is in juvie for something that he didn't do it. And will be better for you too, to be away from things here. It's a new fresh start." Hiram said and dammit! I know he is right! As tough I don't like idea of moving, I have to be cool with it because of dads and Noah. I need to do that for my family. I just go to them and hug them tight.

"You guys are right, I'm sorry that I overreacted. A new fresh start is good." I said "When are we going?"

"Just after your and Noah's birthday. Actually we forgot to tell you, but he will be out in December 15th." Leroy said and I smiled a little, can't wait for having him back. They don't allow us to visit him, so he probably doesn't know about the whole Spain thing.

"Okay...I just have to figure it out a way to tell my friends." I said and go back to my room and lay on the bed and grab my notebook and started to search a lot of things about Madrid to make me excited and I must admit, it's a very beautiful place. Maybe my dads are right and all I need is a fresh new start. To finally forget about Finn, get over him. It hurts A LOT seeing what Finn became. I still like him, A LOT, to be honest. And I don't want to like him, but the heart doesn't chose, right? I will tell him that I'm moving, but not now, not anytime sooner. I don't even know how I will tell the friends that didn't pretend that I don't exist. And I'm screwed cause I don't have Noah here to help me to tell everyone.

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