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A Week Later

It's been since the whole I love you and cry thing happened with Finn in the party. And finally, he is going back on tracks. And I was pretty shocked and surprised when I heard that he quit football team.

Santana told me that she spent two hours on the phone with Finn yesterday setting things up between them. And it worked. Quinn and Sam decided to forgive him too. Well...Everyone except for Noah. I don't even have any idea of how Noah is feeling cause we can't visit him.

Well...The thing is that in a month I'm moving to Spain and I don't know how to tell Quinn, Sam and Finn about it. That's really fucked up, really really.

"Can we talk?" I asked when I reach Sam and Quinn in the hallways of McKinley High School.

"Oh we almost don't do that, right?" Quinn asked ironically and I let out a giggle.

"Seriously, I have something really really important that I wanted to talk with both of you." I said and they gave me confused looks and we went to the library.

"So Rach, what do you have to tell us?" Quinn asked when we sit between some sections that no one goes to.

"I...I'm, yeah...I'm moving." I said and they eyes went wide.

"What?!" Sam asked to be sure.

"Next month, right after my birthday, I'm moving to Spain." I told them nervously. Without saying a word Quinn left running and I look to her while she ran and a tear fall and Sam hugged me.

"She is just upset. Don't worry." Sam said while hugged me.

"I hope so. I still have one more person to tell and I think he will react exactly or worse than Quinn." I said and sighed.

"Hudson?" Sam asked and I nod "What's the thing between you two by the way? Don't tell me that is just friendship cause I'm not blind. And in the day we met, he literally pushed me against a wall and said that I should treat you like a princess cause that's what you are and if you ever dropped a single tear over me I were a dead man. Thankfully, we chose going on the friendship way." Sam said and I smiled and rest my back on the wall behind me and sighed. "But since that day, I kind of always knew that he had a thing for you and really really cared about you, even when you didn't knew, he was always going to be there. That's why I was confused when he started to date Hannah for real."

"Who would tell that I already dropped thousands of tears over him." I said and Sam giggled softly "The thing between Finn and I is that we were best friends since we were little kids. We grow up and fell in love with each other, but both of us thought that weren't corresponded. So we basically followed different ways and he made really bad choices. And that hurt him so badly, he was like, super sad about everything he did. He told me that he loved me in the night he broke up with Hannah and of course I told him back. We decided to wait to everything comeback to tracks. But I guess we will never have the chance..." I said a upset.

"I'm sorry." Sam said "I think you should go after Quinn." He said and I nod and give him one last hug before I get up.

School time was already over, we were at school cause we were studying to a test. The hallways are all empty. I searched for her in the bathroom, auditorium, classes and still nothing. I go to the bleachers and see Q there with head in hands and crying. I approach her and she didn't saw me, I just wrap my arms around her and give her a hug.

"Why? Everyone is leaving! First Finn went all jerk for a while, second Noah went to juvie them Santana went to Mexico and only God knows when she is coming back and in a month you and Noah are going to Spain!" Quinn said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't had much of a choice. I don't wanna leave you Q or Sam or Finn or Santana, I don't wanna leave any of you. But it's not like you're going to stop being my best friend. There is no Spanish girl that will steal your spot." I said and she smiled and hugged me tight.

"Have you told Finn?" Quinn asked and I denied.

"No, not yet." I said.

"You should." Quinn said and I sighed and look down. "He needs to know. He is your...I don't know what you guys are but is more than friendship. Way more."

"I just don't know how to tell him. I don't wanna break his heart." I said.

"I'm pretty sure her will be way more hurt if you suddenly disappear." She said and I chuckled. "Go tell him today."

"You're right." I said and grab my phone asking to Finn meet me at the park. I go walking to the park cause is pretty close to school and I sit by the lake on a bench. I'm going to miss this.

As tough I love the big city, I just like the simplicity of small towns. Just the silence and the beautiful views. Lima is a very nice to live and raise a family. And of course, Lima has a thing that any other place will ever have, my Finn.

"Hey you." Finn said and sit next to me and kissed my cheek and I smiled. "What was so important that you couldn't wait til school tomorrow?" I'm sitting above my left leg and I'm playing with the edge of my flats nervously.

"I have to tell you something." I said to him and he looked at me confused. I watch him with the corner of my eye cause I really can't look at him, I just get lost inside his beautiful hazel eyes.

"What?" He asked a little confused. He is so adorable without even trying, I don't wanna leave him. I took a deep breathe and close my eyes for a moment to keep my tears in my eyes and opened again.

"I'm leaving, Finn." I said and I can see that his expression changed, from confused to broken.

"What? When? Where?" He asked all at once.

"My dads received a promotion at work. And considering the recent events like Noah in juvie and Santana leaving, my dads thought it would be better for us have a new start...In Spain." I slowly told him and he put his arm around me and pull me closer to him and I close my eyes and the tears slowly fall from my eyes. I'm with my face buried in his shoulder and he pet my back gently and play with the tip of my hair. He knows that calms me down a lot. Only when he does that.

"So it's kind of my fault that you're leaving." He said and I take my face out of his shoulder and look at him like he is crazy, cause he really is, is he listening what he is saying?

"No! Are you nuts? It's not your fault, Finn." I said to him.

"But is my fault that Puck is at juvie and I didn't stopped Karofsky of spreading the rumor of Santana and now she is in Mexico." He said, I interlace my fingers with his of the arm that were around me.

"I swear that if you say...No, no, if you think of something like that again. I'll be mad." I told him and he chuckled softly.

"You're adorable." He said and kissed the top of my head and we stayed like that for a while. "And I love you so damn much."

"I love you too." I said. I know we are not a couple, but I know that no matter how long I stay gone, my feelings for Finn won't change.

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