Conspiracy theories ft. ✨Toga✨

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Tomura: ...tea ok I'm getting pretty bored of saying all thi-
Toga: hiya
Dabi: honestly if this was something other than ///a poorly written fanfic/// this would be a podcast
Toga: wow...well I have theory that will blow your hella mind!
Dabi: go on?
[cue intro music]

Toga: so you know all those gaming channels that come up with the of Steven is sans and stuff right?
Dabi: Yeah?
Tomura: I don't like where this is going
Dabi: shhh
Toga: wellll, Kurogiri is grillby-
Tomura: I-... toga this isn't RELEVANT TEA *cue his acrylic nails whacking the table*
Dabi: it's perfectly relevant
Toga: see shitaraki
Tomura: what did you just call me
Toga: shit...araki
Dabi: oh fuck
Tomura: *gritting teeth in a constrained smile* so..
Dabi: well uh..shigaraki do you have any theories-
Tomura: oh boy do I so here are the 50 potential ways we could kill All Might-
Dabi: stfu
Tomura: asshole
Toga: heh..*cue nervous sweat* uh thanks for having me I think I should scadattle
Tomura: fuck you too bitch

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