🏳️‍🌈that gay shit🏳️‍🌈

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Dabi: uh... [looks at calendar] it's pride month
Tomura: what?
Dabi: pride?
Tomura: yes...
[cue intro music]

Dabi: uh [insert him pulling up Wikipedia] so like if you're like not... per say heterosexual you get this Gucci this uh.. supreme month to be gay af
Tomura: so it's yaoi month?
Dabi: n-no...
Dabi: Babe.. I- I've been meaning to tell you something?
Tomura: what? The fact you hate me and want me dead?
Dabi: no.. [gets down on one knee] will you-
[kurogiri and Toga come in blasting this song]

Dabi: ...
Tomura: is that the back street BOYS?! [storms after the pair]
Dabi: [standing up] babe wait..
Tomura: we can discuss this yaoi month later Dabi: b-but
Twice: F
Dabi: stfu
Twice: face it you're a virgin.. have you two even kissed?
Dabi: ... shut up..
Twice: Heh I know what'll draw his attention
Dabi: [sigh] what?
Twice: d-
Dabi: don't you fucking dare say dab I will make you regurgitate your kidneys
Twice: damn.. I was gonna say do that "yaoi" bullshit to him
Dabi: ... you mad lad genius!
Twice: so like are you trying to marry him?
Dabi: no
Twice: then why were you on one knee?
Dabi: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Twice: k
Dabi: [running after Tomura] holy shit babe
Tomura: what?
Dabi: [video]

Tomura: ... Hell yess
Dabi: ... wait
Dabi: [monotone] oh god
Tomura: Dabi lets go do gay shit
Dabi: what the hell
Tomura: [picks up Dabi and runs]
Toga: what the ever loving fuck
Kurogiri: I-...I have no words
Twice: [entering room] lmao gay

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