Announcement and Competition!

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Tomura: so this has been submitted to be part of the Wattys

Tomura: we almost reached our goal!

Tomura: so as a fun thing in celebration of it, we are holding a competition!

Tomura: this is in no way official,,

Tomura: we are now taking submissions for a new cover!

Tomura: many might enter only one will win!

Tomura: we are taking them till August 10th!

Tomura: all you have to draw something to represent this Hellish thing!

Tomura: from yaoi to your favorite scene etc!


Must have the title 

Must be cropped to fit 

All you have to is publish it somewhere and tag me! 

No nsfw 

No sore losers 

The winner will win a special chapter dedicated to whatever they please and will be granted access to the future updates in advance. Have fun!

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