ShigaDabi qoutes

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A/N: I have ran out of ideas so take these that were scrapped or never made it in. Feel free to request me on whatever I guess.
Dabi [speaking into phone]: Help I lost Toga in IKEA
Tomura: wha-...

Tomura: hey wanna see something cute?
Dabi: kinda
Tomura: [pulls out mirror]
Dabi: [blushes]
Tomura: [hands mirror with the glass out to him]
Dabi: fuck you

Dabi: honestly you will age well
Tomura: how come?
Dabi: you already look like an old man
Tomura: But I can prevent further changes
Dabi: how freak?
Tomura: death

Dabi: [texting Shigaraki] so wryd
Tomura: leaving your sorry ass
Dabi: nah
Tomura: how does it feel to not have a bf anymore?
Dabi: I wouldn't know
Dabi: hmm..
Dabi: nah

Tomura: oh..FUCK
Dabi: you good?
Tomura: i scraped my KNEE
Dabi: when you fell for me?
Tomura: no..what? That makes no sense.. when I fell off the bar stool... I-
Dabi: [covers his mouth]

Dabi: [hugs Shigaraki from behind]
Dabi: [strokes his hair behind his ear]
Dabi: [whispering] drink all my fucking caprisuns again we are done

Dabi: hey babe ily
Tomura: k.
Dabi: too bad every kiss begins with k
Tomura: well ugly begins with u
[Magne and Toga come in yelling, then Dab]
Dabi: [disgusted]

Dabi: will you be the sun in my life?
Tomura: [scratching neck] sure
Dabi: then stay 100,000,000 miles away from me thot

Dabi: will you be the sun in my life?Tomura: [scratching neck] sureDabi: then stay 100,000,000 miles away from me thot

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