the lads

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Tomura: wow im so glad that got resolved with little to no conflict

Dabi: honestly..

Hawks: so Shigaraki are we cool?

Tomura: what do you mean?

Hawks: like we are Gucci?

Dabi: are you two no longer fighting over my ass?

Tomura: yes?

Hawks: cool [hits the woah]

Tomura: stop


Hawks: so im like everyones waifu so like can I be an official member of this?

Tomura: no the title is tea time with SHIGADABI 

Hawks: *ShigaDabiHawks

Dabi: no

Tomura: get out

Hawks: come on... please

Tomura: [grabs a broom] g e t

Dabi: Hawks, don't you remember the Bf tag?

Hawks: yeah, where I almost died!

Dabi: no not that no one cares that you were almost killed, where we lied about being in a polyamorous relationship?

Hawks: [frowning] we were lying?

[cue sound effect]


[Tomura and Dabi look at each other]

Dabi: where the hell did-

Hawks: well I guess I better tell Shigaraki

[cue sound effect]

Dabi: [looks at tomura and shurgs]

Hawks: im gregrant 

Dabi: dude, that's not funny that's such a dead joke

Tomura: [whacks him with the broom] 

Tomura: you look like chicken brent 

Hawks: [looks down]

Dabi: [picks up hawks bridal style] ok that was too far, hes babey

Tomura: stfu

[cue sound effect]

Tomura: [sigh]

Dabi: look l o o k at what you've done

Tomura: what?!

Dabi: you've divided us... [tears up]



toga: [sound effect]

[everyone looks at her]

Tea Time with ShigaDabiWhere stories live. Discover now