t e a t i m e

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Tomura sat hunched over on the bar, he had passed out from being intoxicated. A storm was clashing outside. The wind howled and the bar door clashed open. There stood a figure he turned his eyes back at the storm. He then approached the drunken male. The rain pounded the soft earth outside. With each step the figure took, mud seeped into the floor. He was now directly behind Shigaraki. He wrapped his arms around his waist and set him up straight. He then whispered in his ear. 

Dabi: its tea time bitch...


Dabi, sitting down and pulling tomura into his lap: ily hoe

Tomura, taking out his jule: stop being gay

Dabi: oh come on I felt empathy for you, so I came back to show you affection 

Tomura, the vape leaving his mouth: since when do you care about me?

Dabi, with a shit eating grin: well...

Tomura, blushing and frowning: what?

Dabi: well ..THATS MY JULE POD 

[Dabi, reaching to get it]

Tomua: NO FUUChje



Dabi: [leans in and kisses Shigaraki]

Tomura,lets go: fuck...

[Dabi proceeding to run away with it]

Tomura: [catches up and bites Dabis ankle]

Dabi: [screeching]

[Kurogiri, Toga and Twice enter]

Kurogiri: at least everything is back to normal

Toga: I replaced the pod with craft macaroni 

[everyone looks at Toga]

[cue outro music]

Tea Time with ShigaDabiWhere stories live. Discover now