Area 51 pt. 1

504 32 16

Tomura: so as of last week I believe the only reasonable thing to do is go to America and break into Area 51

Dabi: why?

Tomura: it's obviously where they keep all the nekos 

Dabi: But you hate cats

Tomura: not a CAT A CAT WAIFU 

Dabi: ah ok

Tomura: tsk 

Dabi: so how do you think we will get there?

Tomura: threw a montage 

Dabi: right 

[cue intro music]

Tomura: ah we have arrived 

Dabi: wth 

Tomura: [walks threw the gates casually]

Dabi: where are the guards?

Tomura: I don't fucking know come on

Dabi: right [follows Shigaraki]

Tomura: is that a body pillow?

Dabi: dear god

Tomura: what babe?

Dabi: they've been here...

Tomura: who?

Dabi: the endangered species 

Tomura: weebs?

Dabi: no, the horse girls

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