Just a whole bunch of Manga spoilers

477 27 6

Trigger warning: death graphic things uhhh,, crude humor 

Tomura: [smiling] I bet this chapter really snatched your weave 

Dabi: uh literally nobody wanted this

Tomura: well I needed motivation 

Dabi: by god you got it

Tomura: I have a way more tragic backstory than all of you bitches

Dabi: I-,,, yes

Tomura: like I know that Deku kid is going to beat my ass but ya know. The villains are still better than the actual heroes 

Dabi: lmao 

Tomura: so uh...

Dabi: wanna uh... talk about it?

Tomura: I'm... good

Dabi: as your fanon boyfriend I have every right to

Tomura: well I mean as long as it's not canon 

Dabi: a y y

[cut scene] 

Tomura, crying: it was so tragic 

Dabi: 私は今ここにいる

Tomura: oh Dabi~~~~~~~~

Dabi: [抱擁と髪をなでる]

Dabi: so yeah 

Tomura: um

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