💛Chapter 18💛

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Johnny's POV

I like Kenzie. I really like her alot. I would give anything to just to be with her, see her smiling and especially those BROWN EYES which she think is not beautiful. They sparkle whenever I look at them.

We checked in to the hotel and we're now deciding on the rooms and partners. "So Hayden, Johnny & Carson room 205, Kenzie, Lauren & Annie room 206 , Mer and Dale room 204 and both of us in 207!" Mummy Mel said finalising on the rooms. The girls room are next to us.

We settled down in the room and we talked. "So Hayden u really like Annie huh?" Hayden gave me thus idiotic smile and said "Yes man! I realy love her a lot, would give anything for her." And with that he started daydreaming. "It's probably about Annie." Carson said laughing. "Hayden Annie's here!" I yelled. "Where?Where?!" Hayden panicked. We bursted laughing.

Soon we went to eat dinner. Thank God cause I'm starving already. We sat on a round table. Our parents were on the other table. I sat beside Kenzie, followed by Lauren, Carson, Jacob, Hayden and Annie which is at the other side of me.

Annie and Hayden were acting all lovely dovey, feeding each other. "Eww guys stop it! Singles here!! 👋🏽" Lauren waved her hand inbetween them. They srolled and turn red. After eating my food I looked at my phone. Suddenly I heard Lauren talking to Kenzie. "Kenzie you met any cute boys?" "OMG yes Lauren! There was this boy blah...blah... blah..." And a sentences caught me. "I got his number!" I tried to control myself from being upset or angry.

"Hey Johnny are you ok?" Annie asked me. "Yepp Annie I'm ok!" I put on a smile. Everyone talked and we went back to hotel. We soon went to bed and slept. It's currently 11:45 pm an di can't sleep so I decided to go to the swimming pool. It's outdoor and the view is amazing.

I took the spare key and went down. I saw a girl sitting beside the pool too. I went near and it was Kenzie? "Kenzie!" "Gosh... Why u gotta scream? U scared me." Kenzie hit me. I laughed and sat next to her. "U can't sleep?" Kenzie asked me ,showing her beautiful eyes. "Yep, I think that's why your here too?" I asked her. "Yes I like the view."

We chatted and chatted. We do have a lot in common. I don't feel bored talking to her. I can talk to her the whole day without getting bored. Soon we felt sleepy and decided to go back to the room. I took out my phone and it was 1:45 am. I spelt peacefully, thanks to her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My exams are coming soon! Urghhh.... I hate exams 😒 Well... That won't change me for posting today.

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