Painful day

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1 week later


So it's been a week since I've been in school. To be honest I was crying my eyes out, everything shawn had told me that day left me feeling......broken.

I sighed and got up. I took a shower and got dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a Bulls belly shirt.

I but my hair in to a cute messy bun and decided on no makeup. I put on my Jordan's and grabbed my book bag and made my way out the door and to school.


I walked instead, I knew I would be late for class but I shrugged it off and made my to the entrance of the school.

I turned the knob and walked right in without saying a word, I took my seat which was next to Nash.

"Miss Kingsley do you have a note for your absences" I ignored her and took out my phone instead. I heard some of the students snicker while the others talked about how I would be crazy in bed, I just rolled my eyes.

"Miss Kingsley please put the devise away and pay attention or you'll have to deal with the deans" she said

"Whatever" I got up and grabbed my book bag when I was about to head towards the door I felt a hand grab my wrist I turn to see Nash mouth me 'what's wrong' .

I smiled and mouthed a nothing and headed out the door. As I walking down the hall I started hearing moaning, I look to my left to see shawn making out with some blond bimbo. Tears pricked my eyes.

Shawn suddenly stopped and made eye contact with me. I could've sworn I saw guilt flash through his eyes. He just smirked than winked and continued his make out session with the slut.

I decided to hit the gym that's near aunt Kelly's house. ***************

I got dressed in a sports bra and shorts and made my way to the punching bag. I needed someway to get all my anger out.

After about 30 minutes torturing the punching bag I grabbed my water and took a giant gulp. I noticed the room really quite I looked around the room to see all the guys staring at me with lust and amazement. I just shrugged it off and gathered my stuff.

I was about to head out until I made contact with a hard figure, I looked up to see a very good looking guy, he had brown hair, a bandana wrapped around his head, built, muscle t-shirt, and shorts.

"Sorry beautiful didn't mean to get in your way" he said in a raspy voice.

I shook my head "no it's fine, I should've looked where I was going" I smiled

He smiled back " my names Taylor by the way."

"Nice to meet you Taylor, the names Mia" I said smiling

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he had a cheeky grin on. I laughed and shoved him playfully.

"Hey I'm heading to Taco Bell wanna come with" he asked nervously

I smiled and said "sure I'd love too"

***********************at Taco Bell

"Than she dumped a bucket of ice called water on me" Taylor said laughing I couldn't help but laugh along.

Taylor is really funny, he was telling me a bunch of stories about him and his sister. I had so much fun.

I heard the chime of the bell as the door opened. I looked to see shawn and that bimbo who he was kissing earlier.

Tears came to my eyes. Taylor seemed to notice. He quickly got up and sat right next me placing me on his lap.

"Hey hey it's ok, no need to cry there love" he said rubbing circles on my back.

I smiled and hugged Taylor. He was so sweet, I might have a little crush on him. He than kissed my cheek I blushed and turned the other way. I regretted it because I saw shawn looking right at me. He looked angry, hurt, and guilty.

I looked the other way avoiding his gaze. "So love want me to drive you home" I nodded he carried me, I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head down on his shoulder.

"What a slut" I heard a feminine voice which I knew all to familiar say, I guess Taylor heard because he stopped dead in his tracks and turned around.

"Who the fuck said that" Taylor said

The bimbo that shawn brought with him raised her hand smirking. Taylor walked up to her ignoring shawn and said "listen here , Mia is a beautiful girl who I know is not a slut, you look like one she doesn't, you probably act like one, but I know Mia doesn't so shut up you slut" I giggled a little. Taylor walked up to me and hugged me tight.

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to my girlfriend like that" I heard a voice boom.

I looked to see Shawn's arm wrapped around the sluts waist. I looked up to see shawn glaring at Taylor. Jealousy filled shawn eyes.

"Let's just go Taylor" he nodded and we left.

Taylor walked me home. "Thanks Taylor....for everything, I really needed it" is said.

"Anytime love" he than wraps his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. He than lifted up my chine and his gaze when down to my lips than back to my eyes almost asking me for permission. I nodded and he lent down

Than...............cliffhanger bitches lol

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